I'm intending to use this conversion circuit to integratethe camera with ez_b, hopefully everyone can give me an advice before I buy it.
USB UART switch CP2102 uses CP2102 chip fromSILICON LABS which is used to transfer USB to UART TTL and vice versa
Foot description is as follows: TXD: UART data transmission pins, used to connect to Rx pinsof other modules, not directly connected to the level of RS232RXD: pins to receive UART data, use connection to Tx pins ofother modules, do not connect directly to the level of RS232GND: mass or ground.5V: positive voltage source (maximum 500mA).DTR: Reset pin to load for microcontroller3.3V: 3.3V positive voltage source?
Possible scenarios:
1) EZB controller's camera port only supports the EZ-Robot camera https://www.ez-robot.com/Shop/AccessoriesDetails.aspx?prevCat=104&productNumber=1351
2) EZ-Robot camera https://www.ez-robot.com/Shop/AccessoriesDetails.aspx?prevCat=104&productNumber=1351 can be connected to the PC using a USB-UART device and it's only supported by the EZ-Builder software.

yes thanks for your suggestion but let me ask if ican transfer the camera port data with this converter cableAnother scenario:
I presume you want a direct wired connection to the PC (USB<->EZB) check the tutorial: https://synthiam.com/Community/Tutorials/76
The camera port connector: https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/jst-sales-america-inc/B6B-PH-K-S(LF)(SN)/455-1708-ND/926615
I got this from the ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/JST-2-0mm-PH-6-Pin-Female-Housing-Connector-with-Wire-and-Male-Connector-10-Sets/111386693164
and i used here: https://synthiam.com/Software/Manual/Serial-Toolbox-15887