United Kingdom

Can Not Connect To Ez-B4

i can not connect to ez-b4? i have eathernet hook up no wif  do you have to have wif to connect? no ssid number it keep saying earror

Related Hardware EZ-B v4


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Here you go: https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Lesson/125?courseId=1

Check that link out. It is EZ-Robot's tutorial on how to get started with the JD humanoid robot. I noticed from your connection log that you're using the JD project, and can only assume that's the robot you have? If so, the EZ-Robot is the manufacturer of the product and they got a great tutorial! I even starred in a few episodes:D



I even starred in a few episodes
A few? LOL!!


Lol well, like 10? Not that many as I originally thought. Emily (professor e) did such a good job and took the reigns


Aww, I miss watching the tutorial videos you did with Proff E,so easy to understand the programming commands back in the EZ Robot web days! Will you ever get her back as a guest teacher for another video?