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Xbox 360 Joystick Control

Is there a way to control my robot using my xbox 360 joystick. I have been using my wireless keyboard but that got alittle uncomfortable. If not what joystick is everyone else using?


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Yes you can. You require an XBOX 360 Wireless receiver to plug into your PC. They can be found on E-Bay for about $8-$12.

Works great for me.

Also DJ recently posted a Wii controller tutorial. It uses your existing Bluetooth to operate.

Both are very simple to use and configure in ARC.


Thanks I have been trying to use the joystick application but DJ uses a different joystick so I didn't know if an xbox 360 joystick works.


I think DJ is using a Logitech Wireless controller type setup.

I had a 360 controller kicking about and used that.