— Edited
Hi there, this question is a bit off-topic: I bought an Omnibot 2000 and a RoboScout off eBay and my parents (on holiday in Florida right now) picked em up. They want to take them back with them to Germany. Thing is, they need to be boxed somehow. I suggested for them to stop by at a Home Depot but they couldnt find a box big enough to fit either one of them. Does anyone have a suggestion of where to find proper cardboard boxes or even better plastic boxes that could house an Omnibot/ Roboscout? USPS? Walmart? Any help is appreciated! Mike
Try the u-haul store - they sell moving boxes and packing materials.
put a few or 2 boxes together
Two boxes , first one on bottom and second on top may be the way to go. UPS has boxes they charge out the tin yang for them though, like 9 dollars each
Mike if your parents are coming in person soon to Germany it may be quicker for me to send those controllers and misc 2000 parts to your parents , I plan to send them out today , there was a crazy storm yesterday and post office didn't have power. Email me if you want to do that within the next 3 to 4 hours.
Hi josh, great idea but they are on a road trip and wont be staying at a hotel, just motels for the night. Better send it to my adress in Frankfurt then. Doesnt need to get here fast, i am studying for my exams anyway. They picked up boxes at an Ikea. =) Thanks for your alls help! Next thing i will have to look for will be a roboscout remote....or at least a pulled working lcd...