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Wall-E Builders, Unite! :D

I'm going to be starting up a Wall-E robot from the U-command Wall-e and the EZ robotics kit pretty soon. Does anyone want to share their ideas and talk about them? I'm gettin all excited hehe :D


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Check out the project showcase, there are a few Wall-E builds in there, some of them are very detailed and will be of great benefit to you.


You are so helpful lol thanks again rich! im new here so anything that will help me navigate the site is very appreciated:P


You guys are sweet for pointing my Wall-E out. I'll have some new pics with details about the on-board audio. I used a small card from MDFly (here), but it requites a pair of voltage regulators. One for signal+voltage, one for voltage only. It works fine, but is a bit of a hairball of little boards and wiring.

Chaotic, if you have any questions about how I shoehorned certain things, just ping me.


@ cyberdude, I'll be waiting for those pictures of Wall-E, was looking for a cheaper MP3 module mp3 spankfun the trigger and I found your link, I'm happy, and we'll say if it works well.