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Voice Command Arm Stop No Working

All voice commands seem to be working alright until i try to use voice to stop it. It prints what i say alright in the voice reconigtion box but it doesn't stop the motor, the command i'm using is Arm Stop using Move(D11, Stop) plus Arm Up and Down using Move(D11, Forward) and Move D11, Reverse) also the same for Shoulder Up Down and Stop on D10 everything works except for the stop have to use the servo panel to stop each time.

Thanks Mike


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  1. Are you connecting servos to those ports?

  2. Post your project and I can take a look for you. Use the ATTACH FILE option on this page next to the reply box. select the project file and push the Upload button


and yes I have servos on all the ports, the servos on the shoulder and elbow needed to continous ones because the're running 30-1 gearing, it lifts about 2 lbs with the shoulder and elbow joints on just regular cheap servos.


I see! The Move() command had a bug with the stop position in some circumstances - and you found it:) It's fixed for the next release. In the meantime, you can use the "Release()" function for stopping the servo


Thank you very much I'll give it a try and wait for the new release