— Edited
I use this line of code:
EzB_Connect1.EZB.Servo.SetServoPosition(EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum.D9, 60, 10)
to control a servo. The last integer '10' is the speed setting. However this has no effect at all on the servo speed. I can use 1, 50, 100 etc... it makes no difference. I tried this with Windows XP with VB2005 and with Windows 7 with VB2008. There is no difference.
Suggestions anyone ?
Best regards,
It works for me, can you post your code?
Hi DJ,
Sorry it took so long to respond. I was on travel and had to catch up with work when I got back. So this is a little piece of the code:
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
The lines commented out I sometimes use for testing with other parameters etc... The If/Then is refering to other code which has no influence. For testing I use the hardcoded values but working with variables has the same result.
Best regards, PhG