New Zealand
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Using Arduino Shields With Ez-B

Hi anyone know of any tutorials out there for using arduino shields with the EZ-b ?


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Every shield is different - you would need to specify which one you are wanting to use. Arduino has no standard for anything, because it is a blank microchip that requires programming. A shield is misleading, because all it means is a circuit board that has plugs to connect to it. All shields are useless without complicated C++ programming code on the Arduino.

For EZ-B to use a shield, you would need to know which one you are using, and it's most likely a lot easier:)

United Kingdom

Hiya, I have just ordered my ez-b board, and wondering if the solar v3 shield and the Ethernet net shield can be used with this board, cheers.

United Kingdom

Have you got links to the shields? Googling them comes up with a bunch of non related pages for the solar shield and a few different ethernet shields.