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Steps For Troubleshooting The Motors &Amp; Firmware Question In Windows

EZ-Builder software is not supported in every system(firmware above 2.0) of ours.

One of the motor is not working & i need some troubleshooting steps.


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Oops..! I missed the main point.. The activity in the picture is SHUTDOWN.


I just opened the motor and found that the IC is burnt, can i do something to make it back to the working condition? Here is the picture of the burnt IC.


Hi @sandeepraj

That servo does indeed look burnt. I wouldn't know where to get a replacement for that IC, your best bet is probably to replace the servo.


Yeah that's true & thanks a lot for the support. I personally appreciate that. Actually i need the circuit so that i can get that on the PCB printed. I can save some money & need not wait for the delivery.



I don't think EZ-Robot actually manufactures those servo's, so they probably won't be able to publish the schematic. If you really want to repair the servo's yourself (again, I'd advise against this) you could try to read the IC marking yourself.


had a quick look at the inside of one of my servo the number on the burnt out ic is 4953 TF402 C


Thank you for the support guys. i'll get back after repairing it.


When the IC is burnt, this may indicate an defective motor (shortcut...). If so, your IC replacement and work will be lost soon again. Also the motor may be blocked mechanically - can you turn it manually?

I'd strongly suggest to test the motor first, before any other attempts to repair. Does somebody have figures, how much current the motor will draw in normal (DC) operation, at which voltage?


The motor is not blocked mechanically, its movement is very smooth when manually rotated. Voltage drawn by the motor is 7.5-8.0 volts. Current drawn by the motor varies respective to the activities.