Asked — Edited

Stacking Pcv Boards

so i figured a way to stack pvc boards to make them not touch each other. i need those long metal things just about an inch and have a drawing for the pvc boards cut out. but the boards would be big for the proto type. but i still got to figure the watts/ohms and resisters and everything out. i still need many parts and most of them need to be bought from roboshop and the making of the pvc boards are going to be pricey (thats what i think) 10x6 thats in inches. then i got to add a single camra for the eye and fugire out the movement of the head it's self. i'm thinking of dropping the thought of the moving jaw for now tired


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Am I the only one who didn't understand that?:)


All the words appear to be English, but I have no idea what they mean in this order;)

@oneeyedbot, What are you trying to accomplish? Are you asking a question or making a statement?



You're not the only one Rich... Part of me hopes he is a kid as that would explain the spelling and grammar...@oneeyedbot, help us out will you?