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Speed Question, Using Pwm Speed Control Not On Ezb

Hi, i needed more power for my 4 motors, so i got talon speed controllers pwm controlled they speed up basically 1% to 100% duty low to full power with reverse polarity in there... but lets just say 1 to 100 zero to full for this question... well i setup a speed for my 4 wheel base that would move the robot, but slow enough to work with inside (8%duty). Speed command dose nothing for me... what is the slider on right on custom Movement Panel for speed? not effective for me, but might only works for onboard ezb speed control... Is there anyway to script using the slider on custom movement panel? or too add a few more buttons on custom Movement Panel so i can script some thing into scripts for low power, med power, and high power.

Any suggestions on how i can achieve this or any ways i might have missed to create different speeds via a slider or in my movement , since I have to manually change scripts now...

example of forward

movement script for forward slowest speed
PWM(D1, 8) PWM(D2, 8) PWM(D3, 8) PWM(D4, 8)

movement script for forward next speed speed
PWM(D1, 11) PWM(D2, 11) PWM(D3, 11) PWM(D4, 11)

Thanks all


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like i know the speed command exists dj wrote with value to 255 I think, Im sure i could then write a speed to value.. but need something to work from... so does that slider on custom movement control 0 to 255 speed value? could then have a script that looks for value change when you go forward and set correct speed...