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Sparkfun MP3 Trigger Issue With Servos

Hey guys,

I'm using the MP3 Trigger instead of "soundboard" in my Wall-e & found that I need to constantly release the servos for sound to work properly (using ReleaseAll() in scripts). Sometimes I lose sound completely.

If I setup a test project with a servo & the MP3 Trigger, the servo will shake/wobble whenever I slide the volume control up/down on the MP3 Trigger. Releasing the servo allows the volume control to work properly, even though sometimes I lose sound when selecting tracks.

If I setup a test project with the MP3 Trigger only, all ok (never lose sound).

Anyone experiencing this issue?


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I should never have put a slider volume like that - sorry. The slider sends a command for every volume position to the ez-b. that takes up the entire bandwidth.

latest ARC solves that issue


Thanks DJ,

Installed the latest ARC, the shaking servo issue is gone:) (brilliant work).

Still losing sound intermittently though... have to use "ReleaseAll()" in scripts for sounds/tracks to play. Sometimes sound is lost completely & have to turn off/reboot the ez-b for the MP3 Trigger to start working again.

It would be great to know if others have this issue as it could be that I have a faulty MP3 Trigger.

WALL-E is coming along nicely, I'll be posting pics in the "showcase" area.


I've had issues with baud timing with that piece. Opensource stuff always gives me issues:( ill take a look again. Try a different Io port see if it goes away. If so tell me what port it works on

What port are you using now?


Thanks DJ,

At the moment I'm using D0.

I'll try different ports & let you know if it makes a difference.


Hi DJ,

I tried different ports, but all behave the same way. Whenever servos are involved, sound will be lost intermittently :(


Do u mean u cant trigger a sound or the sound stops playing?


I can initially trigger sounds with scripts, but if I use the "dance" script for example, then sounds will stop until I restart the ez-b.


Can you expand on that. Stop? Or not be able to trigger again?

I need to know if the sound that is currently playing completely STOPS. Or if the soudn continues to play, but no other sounds can play.


When first opening my Wall-e project (modified the original Wall-e big example to use the MP3 Trigger instead of "soundboard), all tracks play fine by pressing the track butons in the MP3 Trigger window.

If I then run the "SayName" script (which also triggers the "init" script, Wall-e says his name & moves his arms, but then when I run the "dance" script, all the movements happen, but no sound.

Pressing the numbered track buttons in the MP3 Trigger window at this point will also do nothing until I turn everything off & start again.


Attach your project file here please


Hi DJ,

Were you able to duplicate this issue?


Yes - I think it is power related. The mp3 trigger seems to stop responding when the servos are all moving. I think the voltage drops too low because the mp3 trigger isn't very stable sharing power. I think the drop-out resistance of the VR they are using is too high.

The datasheet says it will take up to 12v, i'd suggest power it off the Vin on the side connector.

You will eventually be able to solve this issue with the EZ-Power Expander from the upcoming EZ-Bit line. It will resolve this design issue with the MP3 Trigger - as well as power 6v servos