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Servo Buying Decisions

My first project Fred the Lobot (see Fred the Lobot (Lego Robot)) is in need of some servos but I am not sure where to buy them. If I was anywhere closer than Australia I would happily choose HVW Technologies but for where I am the postage is a minimum of $30. I have a list of a few more local online robotics stores but am unsure of which one is best and what size of servo to choos (some of the sites aren't as straight forward as HVW.) The sites are:

. Little Bird Electronics . Robot Gear . Robot E-shop

Hopefully someone with more experience will be able to give me some advice. I would prefer a servo a similar size to the modified servos from HVW (40.5mmx20.0mmx38.0mm.)




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I have been eyeing the Servo- Medium from Little Bird Electronics. This may sound stupid but I have no idea if it is a modified or standard servo.


I have been eyeing the Servo- Medium from Little Bird Electronics. This may sound stupid but I have no idea if it is a modified or standard servo.


The price is a bit dodgy. Have you tested them to work?


Dj has he put up the link i just ordered some still waiting on my order

Ebay servo deal click me