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Script Help Please. How To Move Multiple/Relative Servos At The Same Time?


i am working on scripts to add to my personality generator, to make wall-e awesome. I am trying to do a , "flashing eyes" script

i have to move 2 servos(one in each eye) to move up and down at the same time. and the "tilt" feature by Glickclick (uses 2 servos to make wall e "tilt forward" by voice control (script)

how can i do that?

i see instructions to move a servo to a specific position, random position between parameters, and even the "if" setting (if a certain servo/sensor hits a certain value the next line in the script is executed)

i cant figure out how to use any of these features to control 2 servos at the same time..

i know of relative servo and multiple servo...but that only helps when using a mouse or keyboard

i cant control relative servos (2 servos) or multiples servos by joystick, voice command or script....

or at least, i cant figure it out....

help please.


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If you use the Relative servo control, check the ""Respond to movements from other controls" option in the Config menu.

Now when you move the master servo from a script or something else, it will move all other related servos


!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt see that!!!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!