South Africa
Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Dunning-Kruger!

Rover Revolution Support

Dear DJ can you guys and these two features to ARC: Brookstone rover Revolution support Brookstone rove revolution camera tracking( allows the brookstone rover Revolution use it's moving camera to track the object it finds) Love Louis


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ARC does already have support for version 1 of the Brookstone.... if you have version 2, then for at least the moment you're out of luck...

South Africa

Oh when I get my hands on you I'll... Never mind I have the brookstone rover 1.0 so I am not out of luck

Hong Kong

Just wonder if there are any timeline planned for supporting Brookstone Rover Revolution.



And Stephen, please only post once. The forum is mostly made up of friendly people happy to help. We aren't paid to stay on the clock. so, if we take a little bit to answer, that's usual. Don't get me wrong, I mean this is the most friendly way possible.:D

Hong Kong

Noted and will follow your advice.