Asked — Edited

Roomba Command Control By Joystick

hi dj!
recently, i bought a roomba and connect ARC , and controling roomba by joystick, but i do not know how to assign the command mainbrush, subbrush to the botton of joystick. so could you teach me the mathod of this ? stress


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro will give you immediate updates and new features needed to unleash your robot's potential!

  1. Press CONFIG on the Joystick control
  2. Press a button on the joystick to highlight its respective row on the Config window (It will highlight in blue)
  3. Scroll/Search in the Script manual Help for the Roomba command
  4. Enter the appropiate command in the BUTTON DOWN area of the button you wish to assign

hi dj ! sorry ! late . to replay . i was very busy with my work. thank you very much i could solve my problem.
