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Roboscratch On Ios

I'm running RoboScratch on my iPad and have a couple of basic questions.

  1. How do I delete a step once I have created it? I don't want to clear all the steps and start over.

  2. How do I move steps around? Drag and drop doesn't work


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Like all operating systems, click (touch) the title bar and drag the control around the screen. To delete the control, drag on the trash bin.

There is a tutorial in the learn section under activities.


Hi JD, Thanks for the quick reply. I was touching the actual step box, not the title bar...:)

The tutorial you mentioned focused on the Windows based tool and I had no issues with that.

One quick one, if I may, is that an easy way to slow down JD's motions as he tends to frighten grandchildren

Thanks, Frank