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Robosapien Wowee Sensor

Good morning, Anyone know what the syntax for the ultrasonic sensor and sesnsor touch the feet and hands of Wowee Robosapien?

Fart is: Robosapien (Fart).

and ultrasonic sensor and sensor touche? Would anyone know?


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United Kingdom

Control us one way only therefore you can only send commands to the Robosapien not receive feedback, the ez-b basically emulates the remote control.


yes, but I can not use the sensor and program something? For example I will install the camera on it, I can make it move according to the object identified?

United Kingdom

Yes, you need to set up the RoboSapien Movement panel and any additional sensors installed and connected to the EZ-B can control the RoboSapien the same way as any other movement panel.


Thank you! But in the case of the camera I did not understand how he did. Is there any tutorial only camera with robosapien?

United Kingdom

Have a look at the camera tutorial

Mount it on a pan/tilt bracket (or glue 2 servos together) and have the camera move to track. Enable the movement option to have the robot walk when tracking (once the Movement Panel is set up).


So, robosapien can work only one-way? Why is it not able to send the feedback? Is there any way to have two-way communication? Here's my plan. I would like to add a signal thrower and a signal receiver which could be done by using lasers. By adding this, robosapien would know if there is an obstruction ahead and it would choose the obstruction-free way to pass. Then I would like to add a slot on it so that I could later add First Person Point Of View HD camera to it so that it could transmit the video to my screen live. On the same slot, I should be also able to insert other devices too like infrared camera. The power source of these items attached onto the slot should be from the main PCB or battery of robosapien itself. Do you think this is possible?

printed board assembly

United Kingdom

You can add any number of sensors to the robot and wire them on to the EZ-B. In order to use any of the robot's stock sensors you would need to rewire them back to the EZ-B. Provided the power source is good enough to drive the cameras and they have their own wireless connection to the PC you could add whatever you like.