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If anyone is interested, Brookstone has the Revolution Six on sale for $199.00.
I just purchased one, and can't wait to get my hands on it.
Yes indeed. A guy at the local Brookstone told me yesterday (Dec 3) that the Six was going on sale for $200 on the fourth. I went back today and he said it was priced at $299. I didn't have my phone with me so I couldn't look it up right then to check so I left frustrated that he had told me wrong on the third. Get home only to find it IS on sale for $199. Going back tomorrow armed with phone to show it's real price, if needed, to buy one. At that price it's good for parts if nothing else. Of course, they also have a BOGO sale on the parts going on right now, so I already stocked up on them.
I usually never go to the mall between Thanksgiving and New Years, but I may need to make an exception. That price is hard to resist. I wish Brookstone listed local store availability on their web site. I don't really want to order online. Would prefer the instant gratification, but also don't want to waste a trip when I have a lot to get done this weekend.
I just got a 4in1 from them last week. I would have waited for the bogo had I known.
@Alan, I hear you. I don't like going to the Mall this time of year either, so I just do it online. I just went back online and picked up a few more items that were BOGO. I ordered the Orientation sensor, Gripper servo, and the Extension cube. A funny thing happened when went to go check out, I originally ordered 2 of the Extension cubes, but I changed it to 4 and low and behold the total price for the cubes were just $9.99. If you search on the internet there are also Brookstone coupons available for online shopping. Anyway I think it was a great deal for a great product.
I added this coupon code got 1 for 149.00... CMBROOK
Wow, That's an unbelievable price. I don't have any interest in a SIX at this time but I may want one when I finish my present robot build (if ever). I couldn't resist this opportunity and ordered one now. I'll call it an early Christmas present to myself. With tax and shipping to Wisconsin, USA my final price is 170.00 USD! Throgh EZ Robot's store it would have been 435.00 USD. Do the math!
Promo code 25DEAL also works until end of day tomorrow. $149 plus shipping. Irresistible even though I don't really need a Six. At worst I have spare parts. My wife may be more impressed with it than she is with Roli (personally, I like practical robots, like Roli with extended arms so it can actually pick things up off the ground, but Six is so cool....).
LOL... I paid $35 shipping and $134 just in duties/excise taxes on my last order from the store here... Total before taxes was around $530 or so... You Yanks got it good...
Keep in mind that a Six can easily be made into a Galapagos Bot. Much cheaper than buying a Galapagos Bot as such at the moment.
Speaking of the G-Bot, anyone know where I can find that video on it on Youtube? I can't seem to locate it. The video shows the Galapagos Bot doing some great moves in nice, fluid motions.