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Revolution In Personal Robotics

I was on a long break, a kinda pilgrimage. And now I come back and see... Only one thing came into my mind, just like the way Apple brought a revolution in the era of Personal Computers, now its EZ-Robot.. that's bringing a REVOLUTION in Personal Robotics. I'm pretty sure that EZ-Robot can bring about a mutation in the very structural nature of the way we think about Personal Robots. Proud to be an EZian.

Can't wait to see the product in my hands...


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Discover the limitless potential of robot programming with Synthiam ARC Pro – where innovation and creativity meet seamlessly.


Thanks Panav! We can't wait to share the EZ-Robot Revolution with our amazing community! We have even more videos coming out in the next few weeks showcasing Revolution's capabilities and potential. Stay tuned:)


More videooooos... :D:):D Can't wait to watch them...


Thanks for the kudos @pranav! And dont worry.... more videos will be comeing in the next few weeks.