Asked — Edited

Received My Kit From Santa Today!

My wife surprised me with the EZ Robot kit for Christmas. She doesn't know what she has started :-)

I built the Yellow Drum Machine project. But now I want something with more possibilities, looking forward to tinkering with the EZ kit!


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Synthiam ARC Pro is a new tool that will help unleash your creativity with programming robots in just seconds!


That's great! I'm sure you have already been reading the forums and tutorials so you know this platform can scale from the beginner to advanced. You will love it! Don't forget to make a project page for the Drum machine.


Hey, that's great! I love the little guy. He just cant stay still. I bet you are a drummer also.

For a challange why dont you anamate that R2 with EZB, servos, MP3 Trigger and sonar?:)


Thats great! For sure make a project page. If anything was purchased from radioshack you can get cool points by posting on and be sure to add a link in the description to your ezrobot project page:)