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Rc Car Into Robot

hi, i have an associates degree in electronics that is to say i have somewhat of a fimiliarity with small electronics as i had very good teachers and have always been interested in such things. i beleive electronics, computers, and yes robotics are the future. as such i am looking for a fun project to get my young son interested in these things as well. i found ez-robot on the internet and it looks very powerful and simple. i would love for someone to give me step by step instructions on converting an rc car into a robot using the ez-b. i have not purchased yet as i am not experienced in robotics at all and don't want to spend the money only to have it lying around unused. would love to have some specific project instructions to use as something to do with my son to get him interested in the field. any help in this regard may help me make up my mind to buy the kit and get started. any comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated. thanks! :)


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro will give you immediate updates and new features needed to unleash your robot's potential!


Welcome to the EZ-Robot community, here are step by step instructions:

Step 1. Disassemble the RC Car Step 2. Throw away all of the electronics, except for the motors. Step 3. Depending on what steering mechanism you have, you might need to fit a servo motor in there. Step 4. Wire up an H-Bridge to the driving motor(s). Step 5. Hook everything up to an EZ-B, plug in a battery pack and connect it up to your computer Step 6. On your computer, set up everything in ARC. Step 7. Have fun

Let me know if this is detailed enough.



yeah that is kinda what i had in mind as i have researched this topic extensivley fro the last couple of days. i guess it is just a matter of diving in at this point. it does really help to have it laid out like this for me. thanks, i really appreciate it!:)