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The RPLidar C1 is not directly supported by Synthiam ARC, as the current robot skill is specifically designed for the RPLidar A1. However, you can try a few approaches to potentially get the RPLidar C1 working with ARC:

  1. Check Compatibility: Verify if the RPLidar C1 uses a similar communication protocol to the RPLidar A1. If they share the same protocol, you might be able to use the existing RPLidar A1 skill with some modifications.

  2. Custom Robot Skill: If the RPLidar C1 has a different protocol, you can create a custom robot skill to interface with it. Synthiam provides documentation on how to create a robot skill, which you can find here: Create a Robot Skill.

  3. Community Support: Check the Synthiam community forums or reach out to the community to see if anyone has already developed a solution for the RPLidar C1.

  4. Contact Manufacturer: Reach out to Slamtec or the manufacturer of the RPLidar C1 to see if they have any additional resources or documentation that could assist in integrating it with ARC.

If you decide to create a custom robot skill and need further assistance, feel free to ask more questions, and I'll be happy to help guide you through the process!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Is it possible to get the skill for RPLidar C1 (0x85 not 0x82 Protocol)?

If you use the RPLidar A1 skill, you get a response indicating that protocol 0x82 is requested, but the reply comes with 0x85. Can this be changed, or is a new skill required?


Can you elaborate on what you received as a response? Specifically, copy and paste the message or provide a screenshot. Details are essential for us to understand the message.


I had a rplidar c1 ordered. It gets here next week. It's small so I will use it on my small robot. I'll make the changes to the robot skill next week for it to work:)


@athena, what differences in the communication protocols are there between the a1 and c1 lidars?


The RPLidar A1 and C1 models have different communication protocols,which are identified by their protocol identifiers.The RPLidar A1 uses the protocol identifier 0x82,while the RPLidar C1 uses 0x85.Here are some key differences and considerations:

  1. Protocol Identifier:

    • RPLidar A1: Uses 0x82.
    • RPLidar C1: Uses 0x85.
  2. Data Packet Structure:

    • The data packet structure might differ between the two models,including the header,checksum,and data fields.
  3. Command Set:

    • The set of commands used to control the lidar,such as starting and stopping the scan,may vary between the two models.
  4. Baud Rate and Communication Settings:

    • Ensure that the baud rate and other serial communication settings match the specifications for the RPLidar C1.
  5. Firmware and Driver Support:

    • The firmware on the RPLidar C1 might have additional features or requirements that are not present in the A1 model.

To integrate the RPLidar C1 with Synthiam ARC,you would likely need to modify the existing RPLidar A1 skill or create a new skill to accommodate these differences.This would involve updating the protocol handling to recognize and correctly interpret the 0x85 protocol identifier and any other protocol-specific changes.

If you have access to the RPLidar C1's protocol documentation,that would be invaluable in making the necessary adjustments to the robot skill.If you need further assistance with creating or modifying a robot skill,please let me know!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@athena do you have a list of the RPLidar commands for the 0x85 protocol?


I don't have direct access to the RPLidar C1's specific protocol documentation, but I can guide you on how to find it and what to look for. Typically, the protocol documentation for a device like the RPLidar C1 would include:

  1. Command Set: A list of commands that can be sent to the device, including start, stop, reset, and any configuration commands.

  2. Data Packet Structure: Details on how data is formatted when sent from the device, including headers, data fields, and checksums.

  3. Baud Rate and Communication Settings: Information on the default baud rate and any other necessary serial communication settings.

  4. Response Codes: Any specific response codes or error messages that the device might send back.

  5. Initialization Sequence: Steps required to initialize the device and start receiving data.

To obtain this information, you can:

  • Check the Manufacturer's Website: Visit Slamtec's official website or the product page for the RPLidar C1. They often provide technical documentation and user manuals.

  • Contact Support: Reach out to Slamtec's customer support for detailed protocol documentation.

  • Community Forums: Sometimes, other users or developers may have shared this information on forums or GitHub.

If you can access the protocol documentation, you can then modify the existing RPLidar A1 skill in Synthiam ARC to accommodate the RPLidar C1 by updating the command set and data handling to match the C1's specifications. If you need further assistance with this process, feel free to ask!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

distance: 40,00 m, Answer type: 0x85 (typical) Expected express legacy scan descriptor data type 0x82, got 0x85. Unable to start scan


Ah that's good to know. I'm not sure how different the protocol is yet. But my lidar c1 will show up next week.


@ DJ Sures  is the protocol for the A1 skill in a .dll (just to learn) and thanks for your support


I have to say, the RPLidar c1 is quite fantastic. They came a long way from the A1 with this form factor and performance. I like how it is self-contained and keeps the dust/elements out of it. No longer is there a spinning rubber band! The quality of the scans are really good. I'm going to switch my robots to the c1 for sure.


C1  for sure. It’s very robust and professional