Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Rich!

Query About Revolution Roli

I just noticed that there are only two servos in the Revolution Roli robot. There should at least be four of them(2 for neck and 2 for movement of wheels). I also noticed it has no ultrasonic distance sensor. I want to buy a kit(one of Roli and the original developers' kit). So, please clarify my doubts.

Thanks a lot



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United Kingdom

Roli uses a 2.5A Motor controller for the rover chassis so 2 Servos is correct (neck only).

Adding an ultrasonic distance sensor shouldn't be difficult to do. The HC-SR04 Distance Sensor is available in the shop, just add it to the order. You will need to work out how and where to fix it to the chassis though.


The wheels use small DC motors not servos.... Yes, Roli is in basic form, leaving it open to easy expandability for things like ping sensors and such...


Thanks! I'm at Chandigarh in India. If I order the developers' kit by FedEx today, by when can I expect it to be delivered to me?



Early Dec.... Everything is in pre-order for Version 4