Asked — Edited

Problem With V 2012.01.15.00

Hi Guys, I hoping that someone can help me. I was running ARC Software V 2012.01.03.00 I have no problems connecting to the Bluetooth and loading my project. When I went to version 2021.01.15.00 I can load my project but I cannot connect to the Bluetooth device. If I load a new blank project or one of the examples, I can connect to the Bluetooth with no problems. Does anyone else have this problem?


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Hello again, I fond that going back a version (2012.01.03.00) I had no problems. I could load my project and not lose the Bluetooth connection.

DJ, did you know about this problem?

Thanks BC stress


We have not received any issues with 2012.01.15.00. If you post your EZB file on here, we can take a look to see if it's something we can help you with.


Thanks DJ, I am new at this and could have something wrong with my project.



Might be related to the speaker tone. Try the latest version


Hi DJ, I loaded the latest version (2012.01.23.00); I still have the same problem. I cannot open a saved file that I started 2 versions ago and connect to my Bluetooth. So I just opened your Omnibot.EZB from the sample file, and I could connect to my Bluetooth with no problem. So I saved it under another name and then I could open it again and still connect to my Bluetooth with no problems. I have to change everything for my bot. but at least I am up and working on the scripts. Thanks.

