Asked — Edited

Posting A New Library

What should I know before posting an EZ-B compatible library to github? Are there any obvious license gotchas the community is aware of?

I have been working on a little Clojure library that speaks the EZ-B protocol. (I may eventually try to bring it up on the board directly, but I suspect the top-level APIs will remain the same.)


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Can you elaborate more in particular:


I may eventually try to bring it up on the board directly

What board ? Are you talking hardware ?


Ps: Welcome to the forum:)


I'm content running against the EZ-B protocol in the short term, but would like to make the get the JVM/Clojure or ClojureScript running directly on the EZ-B hardware in the future (if that's even a thing).

Short term, I will likely do a bit of clean-up and put the library up on Github. Most Clojure community libraries are under the EPL, so I'm wondering if anyone has any direct experience with open source licenses and code aimed at EZ-B.

(and thanks for the welcome.)


Your best bet is to directly ask the EZ Robot team. Use the Contact Us link. However here's a cut for the "Terms of use" document:

Term of Use

Software & Hardware Licenses and Ownership
All software & hardware embedded in or located on or at the Web site, including, without limitation, all computer code or product design of all types, including all files and/or images contained in or generated by such software (Software) is protected by copyright and may be protected by other rights. All such Software and Hardware is owned by EZ-Robot, its licensors or the party accredited with ownership of such Software. You are hereby granted the right to access and use the Software and Hardware embedded and integrated into the Web site, subject to (i) the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and (ii) any additional conditions which may be imposed on your access and use of such Software or Hardware.

By downloading Software or content, or purchasing hardware, unless otherwise provided, you are hereby granted, subject (i) to the terms of this Agreement and (ii) to any other terms and conditions that may apply to use of such Software or Hardware, a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to (i) install and run the Software in object-code format on a computer, and use the hardware for your personal, r&d or educational use, Commercial (for-profit) use requires written permission from EZ-Robot Inc.; and (ii) to reproduce the Software only as reasonably required to install, run and make reasonable backup copies as allowed by law.

Except to the extent expressly permitted by EZ-Robot Inc., your use of EZ-Robot Software or Hardware is limited to not-for-profit use, which includes personal, education, research, and experimentation by individuals, education institutions and corporate identities. To use EZ-Robot Software or Hardware in a for-profit application requires written permission in the form of a license agreement by EZ-Robot Inc.

Except to the extent expressly permitted in this Agreement, you may not: (i) use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, upload, download or transmit the Software in whole or in part or Hardware; (ii) sell, rent, lease, licence, transfer or otherwise provide access to the Software or Hardware; (iii) alter, remove or cover any trademarks or proprietary notices included in the Software or Hardware; and/or (iv) decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract or reverse engineer the Software or Hardware or assist others in doing so.

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You're free to open-source an application using the ez-b communication protocol. I'll have a link to your repo added to the ez-robot Software page for other members to find. Let us know when you add the repo and what the url is. Have fun!


So Eclipse Public License is cool for that, too?

I'll post the link as soon as it's up (probably within the week).


Any license that you wish. You're not using any ez-robot libraries. You're only using the protocol to control an EZ-B. There's a few open source projects using the protocol to control EZ-B's as well:). You're golden