Asked — Edited

Ping Sensor Pegged At 255

OK, sorry to be such a numb nut here, but things haven't gone quite a smoothly as I had expected. No matter, I'm patient. :D

So board, works, servos now work, however...

I wired up the ping sensor, double and triple checked my wiring, however, under ping or radar, I get a pegged signal @ 255.

Any ideas?


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Something isn't configured correctly:) you'll need to provide more info. Pics help!:)

Ps you can attach pics to a MSG by using the attach file option. It's to the right of the message entry form.


From what i think i see in the photo, it looks like your trigger is set to D1 and it's really plugged into D0. can you verify?


Nope. If you look carefully, trigger is in physical D0 and set to D0 in the config.


Does it not work on other ports? Maybe it's a faulty sensor


Nope, tried on almost all ports, even tried swapping mapping thinking maybe setting in config was labeled backwards:)

No dice.


Faulty sensor. Contact us