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Newbie First Time Post-- Hero-1 Robot Reboot

Hello EZ Community! My name is GregWW and I have been searching for a mobile robot platform for years to rebuild my Hero-1 robot. I'll attach pictures. I've had this robot for years....I picked it out of a dumpster at my school years ago. I have the robot up and running with the teaching pendant I built. I have replaced the four 6V batteries with two 12V batteries. From an architecture standpoint, I plan on using the existing motors and the main drive board to move the to move the robot. The arm is another story...every motor in it is a stepper...I plan using small stepper boards, controlled via I2C/SPI bus. Additionally, I plan trashing the existing sensors...and upgrade them with new sensors. Keep the look the same, and improve functionality. Besides moral support, I'll need this groups expertise in coding. I have some experience with C, C++, but I will need to learn coding for this system. I look forward to this process! -GregWW

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Upgrade to ARC Pro

Experience the transformation – subscribe to Synthiam ARC Pro and watch your robot evolve into a marvel of innovation and intelligence.


That’s an awesome project. It will compliment the EZ-B v4/2 Developer Kit nicely! Download ARC and watch the tutorials in the learn section to get started. Looking forward to seeing your Hero-1 power by ezrobot! I’ve always wanted to hack one as well


Hi GregWW, welcome to the group! You’ll love the EZB and ARC. I have a Hero1 as well and I’ve never decided if I wanted to gut it all or find a serial interface and try my luck with one of those. I think our bots are too nice to gut, Ive always thought the serial interface would be the way to go.


Hi Justin: yes...I've struggled with the idea of gutting my Hero-1. I finally pulled it out of the basement and revived it, to an extent. I took it to work, showed some people...who were old enough to remember it. I took it back home again and was amazed at the amount of damage done just in moving it. Mostly lose connections and such. So what to do with this little guy? be a monument to 80's technology? Maybe it would be more useful as something kids could see actually move and maybe even talk to? I think it's worth a try..maybe I'll even learn something along the way. Right now I'm trying to find specs for the head and steering stepper motor. ECM motors Model 420-646:

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