Asked — Edited

New To Robotics


I'm new to robotics and have an EZ robot on order. It won't ship for a few weeks so in the meantime I figured I would learn to use the EB software. I get the basic idea from watching the tutorials online. Is there a better way to get a head start? Any advice would be appreciated.

On another note, I am especially interested in educational applications. Thanks in advance.



Upgrade to ARC Pro

With Synthiam ARC Pro, you're not just programming a robot; you're shaping the future of automation, one innovative idea at a time.


Hey Tom, we have a whole wack of new videos coming online shortly - all tutorials and included activities - so it'll work great for your education.:)

South Africa

Which date will the tutorial be coming on

United Kingdom

Also, reading the forums will help guide you in the right direction on a whole bunch of things too.

Here's a list of topics which contain a whole bunch of useful info that may help you out.