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Never Introduced Myself

My name is Jamie. Been into robots since I was a kid. The only one I can recall having though was the Tomy Dingbot.
When I was in my late twenties I got a robosapien and just recently picked up an identical one since the original is gone.
I briefly had a V2 but returned it when I realized it still walked horribly.
Anyway I have a Roli and a JD on preorder. I really don't know much about how to make robots work. So I am hoping it isn't the hardest thing on the planet.
I will be honest I am really impressed with the NAO. That is how I want my robot to be. Granted I don't think it is quite that capable but a man can dream.
Either way I am looking forward to learning no matter what and having fun at the same time.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Discover the limitless potential of robot programming with Synthiam ARC Pro – where innovation and creativity meet seamlessly.


Welcome! Im sure you will enjoy the balance of "ease of use" and "power" that EZ-B gives. You will pick it up pretty quick. Try downloading the software and open some examples to get your feet wet. When your bots arrive you will have a head start.


Hello Ing, Nao is a very stylish robot.the stylish bodies costs thousands and Nao price is 15000. It has a Japanese toy vibe to it. Jd is the best you can get for your dollar right now. The truth is though that you can do everything Noa hardware can with sensors , mics , servos and of course ezb. Take in mind that developers spend lots of time writing scripts to make him run smoothly as possible but right out of the box he's just a plastic frame and a bunch of servos. You will have JD walking around and dancing for your friends. Using JD to learn is great and later maybe you can buy a shell and servos and migrate your v4 over to a stylish platform:)


You won't regret going with the EZ Robot line of products. The feature vs. cost comparison blows the competition out of the water. Glad to have you aboard.:)