Asked — Edited

Network Connection To Ez-Bv4 - Not Wifi

Can the EZ-Bv4 be connected to physically (i.e. cat 6/6 cable) to a network router? I am going down a path to build a specific R/C scale boat that this unit will be very good in except it is to limited. The current plan is to set up the R/C boat in a LAN to WAN setup so it can coexist with other systems independently as it will run its router as will the others. It's own router system is necessary as it will need several other networked systems on each vessel that need to be controlled via a single computer system.

Your board looks like a good to use in the proof of concept stage except it would need to operate through the router and not via its own Wifi.

Can it do this?

Scott Vickers


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Nope, sorry... only wifi.... Well, not unless you are an electronics engineer and can wire a cat 6 cable in place of the wifi radio.....

United Kingdom

It can connect to the router rather than be an access point though, that may be a solution (and save you the hassle of the cable)

P.S. Alan, I beat you, haha!:D


No, The EZ-B is WiFi only, but it can be a client on a WiFi router rather than running in AP mode, so as long as the router you want it to communicate to has WiFi and wired, it will work.



Ha, ha... something tells me I am going to lose this one to one of you network gurus...:P