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Multiple Servo Questions (Robotic Claw)

Hi, this is Aditi again with my team of scholarobotic students. We are facing multiple problems with our servos, and they may or may may be interrelated. We aren't sure.

We are working with a 6 servo claw robot.
Firstly, we are having trouble with the second servo from the base (the servo above the base servo). It wasn't working at all and when we tried to program commands to the servo, it wouldn't respond. Also, normally when we had programmed a command to a certain servo, the servo would remain intact till we executed a command. But now, since the second servo doesn't work, it just flops over when the other servos are trying to move. So we tried reconnecting the wiring for the 2nd servo, but found no difference.
Second, the rest of the servos aren't working properly. In the sense, they are recognizing the command and sometimes move. But the moves are choppy and not smooth. It is as if the robot is trying to move but it restricted by something.
We are using this robot to assist surgery, so we need to ensure that the robot's movements are smooth and able to work. stress


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United Kingdom

Are the servos powerful enough for their job? If they are under powered i.e. don't have enough torque (the kg/cm part) they will be choppy and struggle.

Also check your servo speeds in ARC, adjusting them may help.

With the second servo, have you checked it while it isn't connected to the arm to make sure it isn't a faulty servo?

  1. Are the servos powerful enough for their job? If they are under powered i.e. don't have enough torque (the kg/cm part) they will be choppy and struggle.

We fixed the problem of the choppy movements. Thanks

  1. Also check your servo speeds in ARC, adjusting them may help.

We reset the speeds, and the servos still do not work.

  1. With the second servo, have you checked it while it isn't connected to the arm to make sure it isn't a faulty servo?

We also unhooked the servos from any unnecassary cables and added them to the board directly on multiple ports just in case, and they still did not function properly.

Any other suggestions? stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress

United Kingdom

You misunderstand most of my reply.

Servo speed will help smooth the movement however I am confused as to your reply where you say you have fixed the choppy movements but then resetting the speeds the servos still do not work - are they fixed or don't they work?

Physically remove the entire servo from the arm and connect it directly to the EZ-B to check it's operation and therefore eliminate a faulty servo (or pinpoint the problem if it still doesn't work).