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Motor Questions


  1. Which type of 12 volt dc motor can lift more? Brushed or brushless?

  2. What is a good heavy lifting motor that can be reversed?

  3. I need to control 12 of these for at least 2 hours, what battery(ies) is best?

  4. I need this to be relatively light


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  1. You'll want to look into gear ratios. Brushed motors are more common and you can get them in a variety of gear ratios

  2. All motors can be reversed

  3. The number of amps of your battery will determine how many hours your motor can run based on the number of amps of your motor. For example, a 2 amp motor can run for 1 hour on a 2 amp battery. Although it's more accurate to use Watts.

  4. Okay:)

PS, please use descriptive subjects when creating new questions. I changed your thread subject as an example:)


Hi rc start tofinish- look at robotzone servos and gearboxes plug up to ezb and have very high strength. Lithium 12v 9.8 ah batteries are available on eBay 40 bucks each and lithiums are very light for output.:D depending on your robots overall current draw , 2 -4 battery packs should fit the needs in your ballpark