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Motor Controller Help


I am building a project for school and am using the EZ-b v3. I am trying to use a 21-turns/14 volt motor, I am using the h-brigde motor controller that could be used with the EZ-robot, LN298 , however the amperage is too low to get the car going. Please someone let me know what I can do to make this car go.

Does anyone know any other motor controller with higher amperage that would work as the H bridge LN298. and actually tested with their projects?


Please and thank you. :D


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Next step most of us go to is a sabertooth 5 x2 ( 5 amps) 59.99 or 2 x12 (12 amps) 89.99


Do you know how many amps your motors pulls under full load?


Hello I installed the 2.5 amps motor controller on my robot but I have one wheel running faster than the other; Any clue on what might cause this ? I checked the wires for eventual resistance but it's fine. I swhitched the connections and it seems it comes from the motor itself but I wonder how it is possible since the same motor is also hooked up to another circuit that I can turn on/off depending on wich circuit I want to control the motor with (basically it's a two robots in one so if one fails the other turns on thanks to a relay) so it doesn't seem it might be coming from the motor itself. I guess I should try to have it running without being wired to two circuits at a time... could it be a power setting with the motor controller through Hbridge or PWN ?

I know... I make almost all the questions and answers in this post but in case you see something I might be missing... best.



Thanks guys... I got a parallax HB-25 from a friend and works perfect.... now the car moves at a good speed ;)