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Resolved Resolved by thetechguru!

Mini Electric Metal Gear Motor

This question may have already been answered and may even be a dumb question but i could not find it. How would i go about hooking this motor in the attached link to the ezbv4. It only has a positive and negative wire and no signal wire

mini gear motor


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Could i use the same motor with a driver already installed like the attached link and be able to hook straight to ez b without having to use the h bridge

motor with driver


It appears to emulate a 360 servo, so it should work. I have never heard of anyone trying one, so you may be the first. However, other than having a longer shaft, I don't see much advantage to it over a 360 servo. The spec sheet is incomplete. It gives the gear ratio, but not the rotation speed or torque of the motor so difficult to do a direct comparison.



reading the specs yes.

relevant information: Operating voltage: 3.5V - 8V Clockwise pulse width range: 500us-1400us (500us speed maximum) Stop pulse width range: 1400us-1600us Anticlockwise pulse width range: 1600us-2500us (2500us speed maximum)

behaves like a continuous servo, although the pulse range (500-2500) is not 100% compatible with the EZB V4 range (560-2140), you can still hook to one of the EZB's digital port (0-23), the only limitation is the top speed.

you will need to do some tests to obtain the stop position (middle value e.g. 90)

servo position 1 will be max clockwise speed

servo position 180 will be max anticlockwise speed

i agree with Alan's opinion, the shaft can be a problem,

you have better chances with a continuous servo:


the reason i am wanting to use this over the continuous servo is due to the design and size for a specific use where the continuous servo will be to large also by using this type of motor with the gearing in the way i want to implement it will give it mor strength as well. If all i would lose is a little top speed im perfectly ok with that. I will be going with a different driver that doesn't sit the way the one in this pic does or i will try to modify that driver and re solder it to a different location


if you plan to use a motor or a continuous servo, what kind of feedback circuit you plan to use ?


I was just hoping to be able to plug them in the ez b same as i did the regular 180 degree servos and make them work. send them a signal and it moves to the set position i put in. basically i make prosthetics for people who need them so i will be making this work in a hand there will be one of those motors for each finger and want to control it with the myoware muscle sensor and with speech recognition. if you go on my facebook page and scroll down to where you see me using the ez b I want to use the motors listed above in the same way i am using the servos in the videos on my FB page. obviously will work differently being the style of motor but just want to plug in ez b set the motor postions to where i want them to move once it receives a command


Continuous servo does not have position.

When you set servo position 1 the continuous servo will run at max speed forever until you send a stop position e.g. 90


is there not anyway to set it up to automatically go to a set stop position. for example i flex my muscle to send signal to motor in order for it to initiate its movement could you not program it to automatically stop at a certain degree or position. i understand it acts as a continuous servo but these motor when used with other boards some how stop without going continuously or without sending a second signal in order to make it stop. some of the very expensive prosthetics use these style motors but i make them cheaper for people who cant afford them so im just trying to take the same motors that the expensive ones use and put them into the designs im using. there has to be a way for it to stop, as this has been done on ardiuno uno boards with this style motor


I can see the fb frontpage but nothing else without a fb account.

Regarding feedback you will need extra hardware e.g potentiometer or 2 stop switches ...

servo simplifies a lot


A continuous servo, dc motor with h bdrige or a servo behavior dos not change if you use an EZB, arduino, PIC or another micro contoller.

the difference between a regular servo and continous servo is the potentiometer one has the other not.

Two stop switches both sides can provide feedback, two states run one side then stop.


o ok so i would have to use the potentiometer in order to make it stop, i looked those up a while back but was hoping i wouldnt have to use them with these motors. thanks for your responses. ill have to learn how to hook up use the potentiometer i guess


If your design is custom to incorporate that motor - i would recommend simply taking the guts out of a servo and making that work. A servo contains everything that you already need to fill the shortcoming of the product posted.

Use a servo or the guts of a servo.

Find out how a servo works and the different kinds available here: