Upgrade to ARC Pro

Stay at the forefront of robot programming innovation with ARC Pro, ensuring your robot is always equipped with the latest advancements.


Not sure though if i would want my robot thinking for himself or herself just reminds me of Skynet from Terminator.


I just started reading the overview and it sounds pretty cool. Anyone here have any experience with MindForth Artificial Intelligence? If we can find a way to combine the MindForth AI with DJ's Personality Generator we could be on to something big. Although I can see how this could also result in a bunch of cranky bots that prove difficult to please...


That dos app gave me a few ideas. Have you seen my Synthia before? I originally started development on that to prove a concept for a relational AI that I had written for an Active Firewall. The original design monitored and trended network and application usage. If anything outside of the trend was noticed, alerts would be displayed. I'm not sure what happened to that application.

Anyway, Synthia was my personal version of the engine. I tweaked it to understand a few things regarding structured english sentences (which is practically impossible btw haha).

I had considered adding Synthia into ARC with the voice recongition and synthesis module.

The main issue I experienced with Synthia was abuse by user input. Like a child, Synthia learns from input. It disects and extracts peices of sentences to relate to topics and previous inputs. If conversation topics are not relative, the relationship is wacky. If the user input has incorrect spelling, grammar or offensive words then the database can be rendered useless.

To include in ARC, I would probably involve a central database accessed by a webservice. I would make access to the DB authenticated, so sign-up is mandatory. That would allow auditting and logging of input so abusive users could be locked out.

Might be a large project, but would sure be interesting!

In the meantime, the upcoming modules for ARC are the following:

  • Wii controller support (very soon)
  • Kinect tracking support
  • Email Alerting
  • Web Server (For remote control)
  • Interactive Help

and a few others:)

You'll see those very soon. That should keep u busy building for a bit hehe

United Kingdom


In the meantime, the upcoming modules for ARC are the following:

  • Wii controller support (very soon)
  • Kinect tracking support
  • Email Alerting
  • Web Server (For remote control)
  • Interactive Help

Wow as always DJ is ahead of the curve can't wait for some of this stuff...


MindForth AI for Robots has been developing at a rapid rate in this year of 2011. For those who browse the Web with Microsoft Internet Explorer, there is also a JavaScript AiMind Tutorial Version that is a lot easier to run (just click) than MindForth, which requires downloading both the program source code (free) and either Win32Forth (free) or 64-bit iForth (not free). As the author of MindForth and the JavaScript artificial intelligence (JSAI), I must advise everyone that these AI programs are easy to understand as individual lines of code, but difficult to understand as integrated parts of a functioning Mind. Nevertheless, MindForth desperately needs robot bodies to inhabit -- with sensors and actuators. So it is good to see true roboticists take an interest in MindForth AI. Bye for now. -Arthur (mentifex)


Great for you to venture to our community forum Arthur. Do you have any application suggestions?


Have you considered creating an authenticated webservice?

If you setup a communication method like that... I would create an ARC voice module that would send the user input requests to your webservice and you could give me the AI's response. If a session is required, then I could pass a unique guid.


Hello DJ Sures, that first response of mine above was an error. From an old Windows95 machine, I could not see an input box to write in. No, I have not thought about creating an authenticated webservice. I am way too busy just coding the basic AI in Forth and in JavaScript. My ideas (and code) are out there for people to take and use as they see fit. Suddenly now, in these recent months of 2011, Netizens are looking a lot more closely at Mentifex AI than they ever did before. But I am way behind in writing up the AI mind-module documentation at Google Code MindForth and at learning new programming languages. However, I have been sending some Web traffic to your excellent site from places like comp.robotics.misc on Usenet and from an AI Forum discussion on the Web. People there are talking about the use of AI for industrial robotics. I am not a robot-maker myself, but I would like to see MindForth or a port of it installed in robots. -Arthur


Hey I don't know if anyone can do this there is a project on the web call robocub that is attempting to have robot learn like a 8 year old the software is gnu maybe someone could port some of it over to this if you can't find the software i have it if you need it really has some good stuff we could use


i would be very curious what Synthia does i know i been talking about the leaf project alot on this forum here is a few,TELLS JOKES,can spell any word,full emotions like mad ,happy,sad and many more,voice recognition,face recognition,tells time and date,access rss feeds,chat software,robochat,full facial emotions on CSLU using a monitor,control any stereo,tv or x-10,up to 84 servos using sd84 servo board,new item added connecting to ROS software for high end navigation,using a super fast MICROCONTROLLER and still a very long list of others using LISP AI software engine,plus ROBOREALM for many other filters,modules and robot boards like EZB soon main weboite only has a few listed with open source software, yahoo club has alot more software and updates

leaf main website

leaf yahoo groups


Synthia will be the best, just like everything else EZ-Robot:)

And what EZ-Robot lacks, will be fixed within a few hours; it's what we do:) Leaf is a neat project, i like it.


DJ it has much much more added on the yahoo group website hopping a interface to EZB will be added soon,still waiting on STEVEN from ROBOREALM for the interface what good about LEAF i like besides AI SOFTWARE it easy for anyone to use it.and if a good programmer in lispworks even better,i made many leafworks codes and scripts for mine and working on a very advace script ,keeping to my self till i finished it ,then post to leaf clubs

so many robot builders that not programmers,also if you are good in C++ maybe good idea to add EZB interface to LEAF USING A DLL AND API scripts to access it is easy mostly only need the DLL with API COMMANDS i am also working on LEAF to work out math calculations,next is reading a book


I don't know where the roborealm support is at. We have had some dialog in the past. It's hard for someone to find a free minute of my time:(


Just stumbled onto this thread. DJ, very interested in Synthia. How is the progress?



DJ was able to read the info on synthia,doesnt so far have as much as LEAF project does SO FAR hope you can list what it can do also what is about the deadline on it,1 month ,6 months ,a year DJ can you tell about when it will be done looking to compare to LEAF so far it looks kinda close


The problem I've with most of the AIs is an inability to follow a train of thought through several questions. They look at each interaction as separate from the last. I've seen some that had a good knowledge base and answered questions good but a chain of questions usually shows its shortcomings. JW:)


i thinking you are looking for a good chat software,LEAF does have but so far not so great it need more work like you ask him a question and it tries to answer it in doesnt know the answer it will say sorry or something else like cant help you i am working on a math code so when you say 327 +23 he will say 350 and so on,any math problemnext is OCR OR READING,with LISPWORKS software that it uses you can add anything dealing with and not much programming is needed,once its installed,when i say "leaf this is fred" he say hello fred,or recognize me with the webcam,already made a male/female filter switch ,when when a female ask him something he will answer the right way like mrs or miss,and same with he detects a male voice also made a device that detects beer from water or milk from water and so on,called a spectrometer,low cost too


Answer Pad does math. both numbers and spelled out word math problems. I would also like to have an OCR program that could read the formula and give the answer.



I just happened across this.

DJ you have mentioned Synthia before. I would love for you to add it to EZ-B.

I understand what your talking about as far as control but there are some that will want it to be a little vulgar thing. I on the other hand want to keep it clean but I plan on using my bot as a research assistant for my book. I am writing a fantasy science fiction book so I would be telling it make believe things and things about characters to help me recall.

Having control over the database would be very siri like. There would be servers etc.

Have you looked at Ultra Hal? AI


Guild3D studio has an unusually nice girl, Denise. She is a Great one. Go there and see.


That seems like a good one. But expensive. Hmmm.... I'd really like the professional version but way too much. I wont use a screen dude will have a head. Here's my pieced together thing so far.


That seems like a good one. But expensive. Hmmm.... I'd really like the professional version but way too much. I wont use a screen dude will have a head. Here's my pieced together thing so far.

User-inserted image


Take a Look at Guild3D's Denise. She is AWSOME!


It does look awesome. Lots of features that I want but $800 is pretty hefty for software. I unfortunately cannot afford that.


I was just looking at that Guild3D's again. I would at a minimum need the $180 version. I might have to ponder on that for a bit. Visit and drool....

I have just recently spent too much getting parts for my new bot. This is NOT a cheap hobby.