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Memory For My Bot

Hello forum! Very new to robotics (first timer). I am awaiting my shipment of parts for my bot project. I want to use DC motors and need the positions that I set to be stored in a memory cache. I am a medical person by profession so not sure the lingo so sorry for that in advance. My bot will have simple commands left, right, up, down.

Thanks for any tips


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United Kingdom

Hi nawteedawg

Welcome to the forum . You will get lots of help here just ask .

OK dc motors need to have some form of feedback to be set to a predetermind position. This is usually done with a potentiometer on the joint of a arm/leg or with a encoder on the motor/gearbox .

The value of the feedback device is used to tell the computer how close or far away the arm/leg is away from the desired position.

The value of the feedback device when the arm/leg/whatever is at the desired position can be stored in a program variable . and that used to workout which way and how far to move the motor.

Or you could use a servo motor and use the great EZ-B servo commands DJ has built into the EZ-build program .

I hope i have been of some help . please ask if you need more help with your project . there are lots of helpfull folks here .


United Kingdom


Iv just reread your question and realize you could be asking about your robots position in its enviroment. Now thats all about navigation and mapping . Now thats a subject thats hard to explain to a novice , whole books wrote on that one.




Hello Steve C!

Thank you for the quick response!

You were right in the first case. Maybe one day I can learn how to do mapping but not yet. I actually was trying to find some motorized potentiometers but got side tracked. I am going to research how to do this and I will be back for more questions I am sure. I am trying to get a handle on it before I get my EZ-B delivery.


United Kingdom

HI nawteedawg

A good plan there. Get a good book ("Robot makers bananza". comes to mind).

All so checkout all the robots on this site to see how other builders have gone about it.

you will learn alot here , but most of all have fun. Thats what the EZ-B do's best.



It sounds like you need to use servos:) They are included in the kit:D

Welcome to the forum btw!


Hello DJ I didn't order any servos, ordered a specific kit that I put together based on what I need my bot to do. I ordered "robot builders bonanza" ( thanks for the suggestion steve c!) so that I can try to figure more of this stuff out. I am sure I will be asking those questions really soon! I have 2 boys 7 and 3 and this is our new hobby together!

Thanks again!