I do love the new look. Last night my internet Explorer looked like Robot-Docs post #4.
Today looks great.
Is it just me, but I cannot activate EZ Robots Community robots unless I hold down shift then refresh? Only D.J.s great creations.
Just tried my IPhone, worked great and I could go to EZ Robot Community robots.
The new website is easier to read, brighter, and maybe more color?
Thank You,
Steve S
I hate to say it, but I dont like this sites new look. All the graphivs are too big and Im unable to prpoerly
navigate the site now. Most of the links I click on, dont even work. I havent been able to get on this site
for two days or so.
@Chrissi Bold IS better! and nice revamp...... Would it be possible to add a " like" feature similar to FB's beside a comment someone has posted. This feature would show agreement without "bumping" the thread to the top by merely adding " Good Idea" to the thread!
Thanks in advance!
Fred's owner and support system (Glen) and for anyone who has a cat......
Subscribe/Unsubscribe to topics would be great. Sometimes I like to follow topics but have nothing to add to them, so subscribing would be cool. Other times I've made a quick comment on another topic which I'm not too interested in and I get an inbox full of update notifications.
As for the redesign, let's say it's growing on me. I can't pinpoint anything that I don't particularly like but there is/was something I just wasn't feeling with it. Perhaps it's just because it's changed. But like I said, it's growing on me
Rich, yep I agree, it's not really perfect. We pushed it out because there are lot of improvements, we needed a change and wanted to see all my hard work get live. But there are a lot of areas that yet need improvement and you'll see the little problems get knocked down and better refined as we release more website updates
For those who know about website development and HTML... we are now almost table-free! Lol. That was a big one - we needed to take out the tables in order to make future updates to the design easier and meet current web standards and make it responsive. We're also moving the company branding in a certain direction and trying to reflect that in the site.
Well, the shift and refresh did not work. I do realize I am using IE8. Right now, since I own an
Iphone, I happen to have Safari browser on this pc and have been able to access the website, I
still would rather view it on Explorer though.
I wish some engineers would just leave things alone. Don't fix it if it ain't broke as they say.
Thanks for letting me know. We did not make sure to support for IE8 with the new site, and after looking into it, I am sure that is the source of the problems you are having. IE8 is outdated and has security holes, and lacks many features that other web browsers have, and so many modern pages will not appear properly in it.
Since you are having a problem, I am going to look into how we can support IE8. In the meanwhile, are you able to use another browser like Chrome or Firefox? IE8 is the only one where there is a problem.
Hi RoboHappy and anyone else who is having trouble due to IE8,
I've looked into it, and unfortunately, we won't be able to support IE8 moving forward. This browser is outdated and does not allow us to implement modern features without causing breaking issues.
You can use the website with an alternate browser like Chrome or Firefox. These browsers will also work in Windows XP, I'd highly suggest switching away from IE8 for security reasons. Unfortunately XP does not get updates anymore and so has its own security problems, but at least if you use a modern browser you won't have holes through your browser.
hi the new look is cool.but i see also the old video's off making a robot excample v1 whit ez-b3.
whits are not for sale no more.sinds there is the what the use off using old video's,
as an excample when they are not supported anymore.
yes thats thru,but for the ones who dont have an v3 they cant use there old robot no more.
i though this was THE best thing a ez-b has,bring old and new together.
well it is like it is.thank you
@irobot58, we've got lots of plans for the forum! Not that it's not a good idea, but I don't know if we are going to do exactly what you said. In the future we are going to be adding some awesome features to the forum. I'm sure you'll like them! Don't hold your breath though, we've got a lot of stuff in the works...
tl;dr: Kind of bottom of pile, kind of "we're already doing something like that"!
I noticed some of the showcase projects now have wrong photos.
Project f.r.e.d. and Hunters 1st Robot are two examples.
If you click on I.D. info, that shows correctly?
Projects were no longer in chronological order.
The website has made vast improvements and I am sure you are still making changes and will get things worked out.
All changes are intentional. You will experiences the advantages of why when you begin using the new system.
all discussions (including discussions tagged as project showcase) display the most recent image
all discussions (including discussions tagged as project showcase) are sorted by most recent activity to match the rest of the website
There are now tags instead of forum categories. The tags make searching and finding posts much easier. A thread is now called a discussion and can have multiple tags.
For example, if you are posting about ARC using a L298, you can now tag ARC (Windows) and Hardware. Now it will be easier to find your post because there is more detail to the description of the discussion. You may also click on discussion topics to view them and include many.
This also makes it much easier to find projects, tutorials, etc...
That was one of my gripes, trying to find a topic in the past when I didn't pay attention to if it was Hardware, ARC (Windows) or whatever. Hopefully the tags will make things easier
Rich, i'm thinking that maybe it should search discussions that only contain the tags selected. Meaning, if you select Hardware and Tutorial that only discussions with Hardware and Tutorial tags show up.
Right now it includes any discussions with Hardware or Tutorial.
IF($tag = "hardware" or $tag = "tutorial")
$Rich = "Happy"
ELSEIF($tag = "hardware" and $tag = "tutorial")
$Rich = "Not as happy"
# Yes I realise the problem with the statements but shhhh...
To give better insight into how I would most likely search with the new tag feature here is an example,
For instance, say I wanted to find the post someone made about the Dagu 4 channel motor driver, I knew it was in either general or hardware so tick both of those boxes, enter dagu 4 channel motor driver as the search phrase and it picks up any topic with either tag.
If that returned too many results I would then choose one tag, search, look for the topic, if it's not there then change to the other tag only, search again, look. If it's still not there then I'd pick one tag at a time.
That said, I can see a reason for wanting both, say if you wanted a Hardware Tutorial for the Dagu 4 Channel Motor Driver rather than a general discussion. Possible to have a box to determine an AND search or an OR search?
I knew it was on the to do list, DJ mentioned "EZ-Bucks" a while back but I was shocked when I saw my balance If EZ-Robot go bankrupt I'm sorry...
I either had some credit I forgot about, or the EZ-Bucks payout rate is a lot higher than I expected.
@aislinn , do the credits expire if not used in a certain amount of time? I kind of want to wait until I get my developer kits and other stuff I ordered to see what I really need before ordering more bits Was planning on an order before the EZ-Bucks anyway, but this will make a nice discount.
This is my favorite website to visit now. Thanks to EZ-Robot and the community of robot builders and hackers for providing all the questions and answers.
I think you will become a vested stockholder in EZ Robot!
EZ Robot is going to explode BIGTIME!
Where can I purchase stock? Besides supporting their products and telling people?
Steve S
Trading EZ bucks... LOL.... I doubt DJ would ever do it because of the risk of losing control of his company... But if he did offer public shares I would buy as much as I could in a heart beat
The display works with IE, Safari, and Google Chrome but not so great with Firefox
:) Thanks! What's wrong with it in Firefox?
If you normally use Firefox, you may have a cached version of the page and styles. Hold in shift and click the refresh button and that might fix it.
Here's a snapshot of the Community page using Firefox
If you normally use Firefox, you may have a cached version of the page and styles. Hold in shift and click the refresh button and that might fix it.
I got that format the first time I logged in also. I reloaded and everything came up properly. Try emptying your Cache.
Thanks Chrissi, the refresh process fixed the display.
Wow it's so different!
I really like the new format guys! good work!
Really looks nice on my iPhone. No more small targets to hit on the screen to get through threads.
Fantastic! That's what I was hoping for.
Much improved on mobile devices!
Alan (who has insomnia tonight and is surfing the web on his phone)
Wow, I was stunned when I came back to the website tonight. I like it, just gotta get used to finding things, but the change is good
Totally AWESOME 
Chrissi, I do love the new look. Last night my internet Explorer looked like Robot-Docs post #4. Today looks great. Is it just me, but I cannot activate EZ Robots Community robots unless I hold down shift then refresh? Only D.J.s great creations. Just tried my IPhone, worked great and I could go to EZ Robot Community robots. The new website is easier to read, brighter, and maybe more color? Thank You, Steve S
Great job! Looks fantastic
Steve S, I see what you mean, I think. There are some problems on that page. I will look into it! Thanks.
Thanks Niek!
Chriisi, You have made great progress and will tweak things. Keep up the great work. Thank You, Steve S
Awsome work, looks great on my ipad and iphone!
Nice new look! Is there somewhere I can check my order status, like on the old version?
Login, click on your name on the top right and click on orders.
Very nice update, but the bug with smiley is always present. How to disable their presence in a code? It's a little annoying. Thanks
Exemple :
I hate to say it, but I dont like this sites new look. All the graphivs are too big and Im unable to prpoerly navigate the site now. Most of the links I click on, dont even work. I havent been able to get on this site for two days or so.
Hey RoboHappy, if that's happening I'd like to fix it! But can you be more specific?
What graphic is too big?
Which links are you clicking on that don't work?
What browser do you use?
I see a "shift" and a refresh headed your way Robohappy
@Chrissi Bold IS better! and nice revamp...... Would it be possible to add a " like" feature similar to FB's beside a comment someone has posted. This feature would show agreement without "bumping" the thread to the top by merely adding " Good Idea" to the thread!
Thanks in advance!
Fred's owner and support system (Glen) and for anyone who has a cat......
^^^ Liked.
If we are making requests...
Subscribe/Unsubscribe to topics would be great. Sometimes I like to follow topics but have nothing to add to them, so subscribing would be cool. Other times I've made a quick comment on another topic which I'm not too interested in and I get an inbox full of update notifications.
As for the redesign, let's say it's growing on me. I can't pinpoint anything that I don't particularly like but there is/was something I just wasn't feeling with it. Perhaps it's just because it's changed. But like I said, it's growing on me
Rich, yep I agree, it's not really perfect. We pushed it out because there are lot of improvements, we needed a change and wanted to see all my hard work get live. But there are a lot of areas that yet need improvement and you'll see the little problems get knocked down and better refined as we release more website updates
For those who know about website development and HTML... we are now almost table-free! Lol. That was a big one - we needed to take out the tables in order to make future updates to the design easier and meet current web standards and make it responsive. We're also moving the company branding in a certain direction and trying to reflect that in the site.
Well, the shift and refresh did not work. I do realize I am using IE8. Right now, since I own an Iphone, I happen to have Safari browser on this pc and have been able to access the website, I still would rather view it on Explorer though.
I wish some engineers would just leave things alone. Don't fix it if it ain't broke as they say.
Hi RoboHappy,
Thanks for letting me know. We did not make sure to support for IE8 with the new site, and after looking into it, I am sure that is the source of the problems you are having. IE8 is outdated and has security holes, and lacks many features that other web browsers have, and so many modern pages will not appear properly in it.
Since you are having a problem, I am going to look into how we can support IE8. In the meanwhile, are you able to use another browser like Chrome or Firefox? IE8 is the only one where there is a problem.
Hi RoboHappy and anyone else who is having trouble due to IE8,
I've looked into it, and unfortunately, we won't be able to support IE8 moving forward. This browser is outdated and does not allow us to implement modern features without causing breaking issues.
You can use the website with an alternate browser like Chrome or Firefox. These browsers will also work in Windows XP, I'd highly suggest switching away from IE8 for security reasons. Unfortunately XP does not get updates anymore and so has its own security problems, but at least if you use a modern browser you won't have holes through your browser.
hi the new look is cool.but i see also the old video's off making a robot excample v1 whit ez-b3. whits are not for sale no more.sinds there is the what the use off using old video's, as an excample when they are not supported anymore.
Lots of people still have the v3 and also will be buying used ones. They may have questions or need to see how something works.:
yes thats thru,but for the ones who dont have an v3 they cant use there old robot no more. i though this was THE best thing a ez-b has,bring old and new together. well it is like it is.thank you
@Chrissi my post #25 in this thread , is the request impossible or put on the bottom of the in pile!?
Thank you ,
@iRobot, all requests are logged but there are hundreds of items that Chrissi is working on
... Hundreds..
@nomad, the ez-b v3 is supported for long as we can. There is no reason why a user cannot continue to use the EZ-B v3.
@irobot58, we've got lots of plans for the forum! Not that it's not a good idea, but I don't know if we are going to do exactly what you said. In the future we are going to be adding some awesome features to the forum. I'm sure you'll like them! Don't hold your breath though, we've got a lot of stuff in the works...
tl;dr: Kind of bottom of pile, kind of "we're already doing something like that"!
Jinx! (Me and DJ posted at pretty much exactly the same time... lol)
Wow, within a second of each other - cool!
Thank you both !
I wouldn't call that a "jinx" but " great minds think alike"
I noticed some of the showcase projects now have wrong photos. Project f.r.e.d. and Hunters 1st Robot are two examples. If you click on I.D. info, that shows correctly? Projects were no longer in chronological order. The website has made vast improvements and I am sure you are still making changes and will get things worked out.
All changes are intentional. You will experiences the advantages of why when you begin using the new system.
all discussions (including discussions tagged as project showcase) display the most recent image
all discussions (including discussions tagged as project showcase) are sorted by most recent activity to match the rest of the website
There are now tags instead of forum categories. The tags make searching and finding posts much easier. A thread is now called a discussion and can have multiple tags.
For example, if you are posting about ARC using a L298, you can now tag ARC (Windows) and Hardware. Now it will be easier to find your post because there is more detail to the description of the discussion. You may also click on discussion topics to view them and include many.
This also makes it much easier to find projects, tutorials, etc...
That was one of my gripes, trying to find a topic in the past when I didn't pay attention to if it was Hardware, ARC (Windows) or whatever. Hopefully the tags will make things easier
Thanks for getting the correct photos now showing again on projects.
Rich, i'm thinking that maybe it should search discussions that only contain the tags selected. Meaning, if you select Hardware and Tutorial that only discussions with Hardware and Tutorial tags show up.
Right now it includes any discussions with Hardware or Tutorial.
What do you think? Since you're the #1 searcher
I would say have it with either rather than both.
To give better insight into how I would most likely search with the new tag feature here is an example,
For instance, say I wanted to find the post someone made about the Dagu 4 channel motor driver, I knew it was in either general or hardware so tick both of those boxes, enter dagu 4 channel motor driver as the search phrase and it picks up any topic with either tag.
If that returned too many results I would then choose one tag, search, look for the topic, if it's not there then change to the other tag only, search again, look. If it's still not there then I'd pick one tag at a time.
That said, I can see a reason for wanting both, say if you wanted a Hardware Tutorial for the Dagu 4 Channel Motor Driver rather than a general discussion. Possible to have a box to determine an AND search or an OR search?
Also, noticed last night the latest new feature
Let's see who else notices it
Rich, I did notice there are more options available for download, OpenBot, NodeJS, EZ-Face, and Python. Very cool.
That's not the one I noticed, but it's a good one.
Tip: Click the little shopping bag up in the top right
For some it may not be as much of an exciting update as for others, all I can say is Wow!
That's great, I have money I haven't spent yet!
Rich, you deserve a "WOW",great help!
Thank you EZ Robot
Sweet! More EZB goodies coming.... Thanks EZ Robot! What to buy now?
Anyone else get the email explaining what that credit is for? I got one yesterday. Getting "credit" for helping others in the community just got real!
Thanks EZ-Robot!
If that's the case, I am surprised EZ Robot didn't charge my credit card instead....
Yeah that email is what made notice it.
I knew it was on the to do list, DJ mentioned "EZ-Bucks" a while back but I was shocked when I saw my balance
If EZ-Robot go bankrupt I'm sorry...
@Rich haha I was just about to say that! You are going to be rolling in EZ-Bucks I bet! .
I either had some credit I forgot about, or the EZ-Bucks payout rate is a lot higher than I expected.
@aislinn , do the credits expire if not used in a certain amount of time? I kind of want to wait until I get my developer kits and other stuff I ordered to see what I really need before ordering more bits Was planning on an order before the EZ-Bucks anyway, but this will make a nice discount.
I just noticed that third party software in on here too! Sorry if I was last to notice. :/ I like seeing EZ-Face posted where its easily found.
Thank-You EZ-Robot. I was just looking around the shop last night to make a new order for parts. I'm glad I waited to order.
EZ - Robot just keeps getting better everyday!
This is my favorite website to visit now. Thanks to EZ-Robot and the community of robot builders and hackers for providing all the questions and answers.
@thetechguru There are no plans to expire the EZ-Bucks after a certain period of time, so you should be good to go!
.... @Aislinn... That's great news, however once Rich blows his EZ - Bucks at the store there won't be anything left to buy, anyway...
I'm gonna save mine up until I become an EZ-Millionaire
I feel a new BitCoin situation...
Rich, I think you will become a vested stockholder in EZ Robot!
EZ Robot is going to explode BIGTIME!
Where can I purchase stock? Besides supporting their products and telling people?
Steve S
Trading EZ bucks... LOL.... I doubt DJ would ever do it because of the risk of losing control of his company... But if he did offer public shares I would buy as much as I could in a heart beat