
Looking For An Answer

@[color=#943287][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]fxrtst[/size][size=3] [color=#943287][size=3]    I love Alan.  My son (just turned 12)  was also hoping for quite a long time to buy one some day, but you never made it to market for home use..  [/size][/color]

[color=#943287][size=3]    That's ok we totally understand.  With that being said my son saved enough money last year to buy a 3D printer and he loves it (well we both do).  I don't get much print time on it, due to him printing Inmoov.  With that being said[/size][/color]

[color=#943287][size=3]I'd like to ask all and espeically @fxrtst an easy way (for now) that one can could just speak to the robot and it would do simple chat back.. [/size][/color]

[color=#943287][size=3]For example,[/size][/color] [color=#943287][size=3]    Max, How do you spell Mississippi[/size][/color] [color=#943287][size=3]       and he returns a response[/size][/color]

[color=#943287][size=3]   Max, What's the time in New York?[/size][/color]


[color=#943287][size=3]I know that Alan is great with chit chat and thus asking for some simple how to that doesn't require building a response for everything.    My son and I have both played with Alexa and Google and thus something similar would be great but in a talking form (with mouth moving)...  [/size][/color]

[color=#943287][size=3]Any help we can get here and in return I'll have my son also post some current parts he has printer (no help from me after the first 40 hours of printing)...  [/size][/color]

[color=#943287][size=3]Thanks all.[/size][/color][/size][/color]


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Don't limit your robot's potential – subscribe to ARC Pro and transform it into a dynamic, intelligent machine.


We have gotten our ez-b to play rock paper scissors but having to put in every single item and the response is tedious (kinda like or even mycroft)..  I also did look at this:

which is @DJ Sures and Professor E doing the Speech Recognition, but also very tedious if you want say 100 things.

#3   — Edited

Yes, I have a new account, but its AIML 2.0 and they don't allow new user id creations on the old site anymore, so I had go lost as to what needed to be done.   I'll take a look again. After I created the new chatbot I was left with this:

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#4   — Edited

looks like there are certain things I can do here.. I can't just cut / paste pics ...let's try again


Sorry, you didn’t read any of the links. The pandora bot is a control in the ARC software and it’s free.

Also, you can use the aimlbot control as well, which is local and runs without an internet connection.

Here’s a link to the aiml:

I’ll demo tonight how to do what you’re asking in my live hack. It’ll take about 45 seconds to setup so watch closely.


@dj sures.  didn't read any of the links.  Huff.  So not true.  Let me post directly from the thread on pandorabots

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:):) I do read.  As for the demo tonight...I'll watch afterwards as I'm now off to work (I work nights) so hopefully you record it.

Also, I'll be getting my bing API key (trial) tonight (sometime during work if I have time).


I think the issue is that Pandorabots have moved on from 1.0 and no longer support it. Unless you use the link provided in the tutorial here you will be directed to their new site which does not work with the plugin. You can not simply Google Pandorabots and set up an account.

You need to pay attention closely to the tutorials here as they pretty much all work. I bet if you set it up as per the tutorial you would be really impressed with how it works.

You can print the inmoov head, bring it to life with the already free software available here, and have your very own custom Alan (with a new name of course). Many of us have already done this.


Love the AIML stuff.  It works great.  This could be possible for my son to understand I'm going to play a bit more with it, but just changing the name of the robot and its favorite color and such (used the original A.L.I.C.E.) aiml was a success.  So, I'll now (for my myself) start looking at the Synbot stuff as I think we have success with AIML. Thanks a bunch everyone

#11   — Edited

The Synbot is quite a bit complicated - have you looked at AIMLBOT plugin?

I recommend that - because it just works and it's really really easy. I mentioned it a few times because i really really recommend it because you can start using it immediately without any issues :):)


@ mtwannabe sorry I just saw this post. As for Alan and Alena we are closer than we ever have to bringing the robots to market.

As for you question DJ has you covered AImlbot is really easy to customize and works without an Internet connection. It’s local and windows speech to txt is local. So you can take you bot on the road!