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Asked — Edited

Laptop Connection Questions

I am on a hp laptop running windows 7 with avast disabled. When I turn on my EZB it says that it has successfully connected to my network and when i try to connect to my EZB in client mode it connects and then disconnects after a few seconds, I then get this message:

EZB 0: EZB 1: EZB 2: EZB 3: EZB 4: Attempting connection on Connection Failed: System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out. at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) Disconnected Attempting connection on Comm Err: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at System.IO.Stream.ReadByte() at EZ_B.EZB.drdP31fe7H(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData) BbytesToExpect: 1 U Received: Disconnected Connection Failed: System.Exception: Controller Not Responding at EZ_B.EZB.g0KPD37NHh() at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) Disconnected

The EZB can connect when I try it on my dad's computer.

Any help would be great.


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If the EZ-B is connected to your network in client mode, its IP will not be, that may be the IP address of your router, or may not exist on your network at all. You need to either use the search for EZ-B function in ARC, or look in your router to find out what IP address was assigned and change the EZB 0 connection settings to use the correct IP address.



Looks as if you have connected to two different ip addresses.

  1. (Which would be correct)
  2. (no idea what that is)

This leads me to believe you are not actually connected to the EZ-B v4 network over WiFi. What ever device that is answering on is not an EZ-B v4. The EZ-B v4 is hardcoded to when in AD-Hoc (AP Mode).

When you attempt a connection, a prompt is displayed asking to preview the connection tutorial. Have you reviewed it? At what step are you experiencing trouble with? Let me know and we'll help:)

There is a video on how to connect to networks using the WiFi.

United Kingdom

I looked at the tutorials and i have done what it said with the IP and i got this error message:

Attempting connection on Connection Failed: System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out. at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) Disconnected

The previous IP was different because when that IP appeared in the scan the EZB made a connection jingle and when i tries that on my dad's computer it connected with no problem. The EZB is in client mode if that helps.


First, can you connect to the EZ- B in AP mode? It's best to start at the beginning. Press the reset button and put the EZ-B back into AP Mode. Does your laptop connect to it in AP Mode?

A good hint with electronics, specifically robots:) is to start one step at a time. This is to ensure there are no other complications in between attempts. For example, the client mode introduces a bunch of other technologies, which makes it challenging to debug. In client mode, you have routers, virus scanners, firewalls, duplicate ips, cached dhcp settings, etc.. etc.. etc...

So, start in AP Mode first - and let's move from there.

In short, can your laptop connect to the EZ-B v4 in default AP Mode setting?

Also, when connecting, there will be a prompt that asks if you wish to view the connection tutorial if the connection fails. Here is the tutorial link: https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Lesson/14?courseId=5

On that page is a trouble shooting guide. It has step by step details of connecting. It also includes instructions to help us help you by providing answers to the questions. Can you press the trouble shooting button and follow the trouble shooting guide to answer the questions and we'll get you up and running

United Kingdom

The answers to the questions are:

1)The batteries are fully charged.

2)The EZ-B makes the startup sound when on.

3 & 4) There is a blue light flashing when the EZ-B is on

  1. I have followed the instructions.

6)The EZ-B connects but then disconnects with this message:

Attempting connection on Comm Err: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at System.IO.Stream.ReadByte() at EZ_B.EZB.drdP31fe7H(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData) BbytesToExpect: 1 U Received: Disconnected Connection Failed: System.Exception: Controller Not Responding at EZ_B.EZB.g0KPD37NHh() at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) Disconnected

  1. The EZ-B's name does appear on my WiFi list.

  2. The wire connection are all correct.

  3. I have reset and retried this a number of times all with the same result.


Okay, perfect! Thanks:)

The EZ-B v4 light flashes blue. This means it is in AP Mode, not client mode - which is good.

So, your laptop does not see the EZ-B v4 in the wifi list. However, your dads computer does see the EZ-B v4 in it's wifi list?

Have you rebooted your computer?


Refresh you wifi list, restart you computer... The ezb4 will eventually appear in your wifi list... Then connect to it... You have to connect to the ezb4 from your wifi list first before you can try to connect in ARC using If you have a cell phone with a web browser then that will work as well...

United Kingdom

no, the laptop does see the EZ-b on the WiFi list.


Now try and connect to it like it was your home network... then open ARC and use


He stated it was an HP laptop correct? Don't HP laptops have a wifi antenna incompatibility problem on some? Or has it been ruled out that this isn't the problem?


Techno, Yes, you are correct. Since he said he was in client mode, my answers were related to that, and the HP issue doesn't apply to client mode. Since he is in AP mode and he can't see the network, it probably does apply.


United Kingdom

I have got the EZ-B to work on a Dell computer and an Acer laptop in both AP and client mode with no issue if that helps.

but still no luck with the HP.


The diagnostic report you sw t will identify if it is the known HP issue, but based on your symptoms, I am sure it is. Only solutions are either put the EZ-B in client mode on your network from a computer that does work, or get a wifi dongle for the HP to use instead of the built in wifi.



That's what I thought!:D Bad luck though, cause now he's got to find a work around.

United Kingdom

I have tried to connect in client mode and used a USB dongle but i still get the same results, it briefly connecting and then disconnecting.


I hate to ask what seem like stupid questions, but we really need all the details to further troubleshoot. When you used the new USB dongle, are you sure it was being used and not the built in WiFi to establish the connection? Are you able to see and connect to the EZ-B's SSID from Windows (before trying to connect in ARC).

When you put the EZ-B in Client mode, what IP address are you trying to connect to in ARC? The error messages you provided earlier were either with the EZ-B in AP mode (and either not connected to the EZ-B network or the known HP issue) or you were pointed to the wrong IP address. In client mode, the EZ-B will not be at


United Kingdom

When i use the USB dongle i turn off the inbuilt wireless on the laptop.

I can connect to the EZ-B's SSID from the laptop.

In AP mode the EZ-B connects and disconnects within a few seconds.

In client mode I can't get the EZ-B's IP because when i scan for it the EZ-B makes the noise as if it's been detected but the IP doesn't appear in the list to be selected.


In client mode, it might be best to log onto your router to identify the IP address, and then try to directly connect. I have had mixed results with the scan.

When you are logged onto the router, most routers will let you permanently assign an IP address to the EZ-B's MAC address so it will always be the same.



Give it a try with your laptops virus protection programs disabled. Than try with your fire wall turned off.

United Kingdom

I have the correct IP address, but when i try to connect to the EZ-B it connects and makes the noise to indicate as such but then it disconnects. The router that i have doesn't let me change the IP address of the EZ-B.

I was using the same router as i was using my dad's and brother's computers and they worked.

And i have tried disabling firewall and antivirus but it made no difference.


Pepper is using a Broadcom 4313GN 802.11b/g/n 1x1 Wi-Fi Adapter, so that's not a connection wifi issue. Also, the HP wifi issue was resolved within a month of discovering it - so that's been resolved last year. Unless he purchased it from old stock, which i doubt. But either way, the broadcom is okay.

The laptop also has installed a USB wifi dongle here: D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2)

The Broadcom 4313GN 802.11b/g/n 1x1 Wi-Fi Adapter has an IP Address of, which means pepper's default network is the same configuration as the EZ-B v4.

The Broadcom 4313GN 802.11b/g/n 1x1 Wi-Fi Adapter could have it's IP Address hard code specified, which can be checked by viewing the IP v4 Address Settings for the device and verifying that it is set for DHCP.

Pepper mentioned that Avast Free Antivirus had been disabled - however, i wonder if it truly has been. It appears the outgoing connection request to the EZ-B is transmitted, but no data is received.

As per pepper's experience, there is another computer in the home which can connect. I worry the HP laptop may have either Avast Free Antivirus still monitoring the port -or- there is a virus overriding the port, much like you see happen for tcp http 80 proxy virus'.

The next question i have... does the EZ-B v4 make a disconnect sound or does it make the reboot sound when you attempt a connection? They are different sounds.

The disconnect sound is a reversed connect sound - they sound the same except reversed. The "startup" sound is different and is more of an intro chime.



the HP wifi issue was resolved within a month of discovering it - so that's been resolved last year. Unless he purchased it from old stock, which i doubt

I am going to go update the old thread with this information. I don't think this has ever been mentioned in the forum, so whenever someone complains of a connection issue, it is the first place Steve or I (who seem to get involved in most of these) go...


United Kingdom

The EZ-B makes a jingle sound,it isn't the same as the sound it makes when it starts up if that's what you mean it also says that it has successfully connected to my network,it has always done this. i will run a full virus scan just in case it is a virus.

United Kingdom

i ran Malwarebyte and all it found was an ask.com toolbar which i have removed, i have also uninstalled Avast but still not working.

United Kingdom

I wasn't aware of the HP fix either. Good to know it's been resolved.


So you did have antivirus running. Are you sure you were able to completely uninstall it? If not it still may be causing problems. I've read that lots of people are having problems uninstalling Avast. Here's a link to a short discussion about Avast and some problems uninstalling it. It has links to a Avast uninstall tool and directions on how to properly get rid of Avast. Sounds like the best way to do it is by placing Windows into Safe Mode when running this tool:



This is the strangest incident - we have never experienced such a challenging connection issue before. I'm leaning toward creating a "connection diagnostic" program for you, specifically - that will return advanced details about the connection. It will take some time, so hold tight.

As for what else you can try - i think the next step is to re-install .Net 4.5.2 framework. Try this:https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=42643

Perhaps the situation is caused by a corrupt .Net this whole time - and might easily be resolved with a simple re-install. At this stage, diagnosing the issue is challenging because we have identified that it's not caused by a faulty robot controller. The controller connects on your other computers, which leads me to believe it's a configuration issue of that laptop.

We won't give up until you're rock'n!

United Kingdom

I have reinstalled .Net 4.5.2 , but it has made no difference, i think that it may be down to the computer model just not working with the EZ-B.


While connected to the EZ-B's network, open a command prompt and type ipconfig /all > ipconfig.txt then upload the ipconfig.txt file created here. I want to get a good look at your network configuration.

I have a suspicion about what is happening.



If you are able, post all the specifications about your computer.


Follow the first method and post what step 3 shows(if your comfortable with what it shows) by pressing the print screen key on your keyboard, opening the program called paint, pasting the image into paint, and saving it to a location on your hard drive you will remember. Then post it here.


@Maze, pepper has submitted a diagnostic report, which we have already reviewed. Unless pepper wishes to post the diagnostic report public, it currently resides in a private repository.

United Kingdom

Hi DJ ,

Any idea when you might be able to create the connection diagnostic tool, as i have tried all suggestions with no success.



There is an ARC update scheduled for tomorrow, which will include a connection diagnostic option.


Okay, thanks.

The issue is that the computer is not connected to the EZ-B v4 over WiFi. The computer appears to be connected to your local router WiFi. Ironically, the local router WiFi also has the ip address of, which isn't uncommon - as it's a common private ip address network.

What you will have to do is connect to the EZ-B v4 WiFi network. If you are indeed attempting a connection to the EZ-B v4 WiFi network, do you receive an error in the WiFi connection attempt? For example, does it read "Unable to connect to network"?

First, the diagnostic report does detail that your home network is

[feature] ICMP Response Testing to see if the network is the same ip subnet as the ez-b. Ping replied Success took 1 [/feature]

Also, the wifi interface also states this...

[feature] DefaultIPGateway = Description = Broadcom 4313GN 802.11b/g/n 1x1 Wi-Fi Adapter IPAddress = [/feature]

This is not an issue to have the same network - unless the WiFi connection attempt is being made on the second WiFi adapter, because your computer seems to have 2 wifi adapters.

[feature] D-Link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter(rev.B2) and Broadcom 4313GN 802.11b/g/n 1x1 Wi-Fi Adapter [/feature]

What i recommend is either...

a) disconnect the D-Link Range Booster USB Adapter and connect to the EZ-B with the built-in broadcom 4313

b) or, if you prefer to use the D-Link, disable the Broadcom adapter. To disable an adapter, it can be done in the device manager or network control panel.

Your computer will be unable to connect to both your home network ( and the EZ-B ( at the same time. This is because they both have the same network address.

To dig deeper into what the diagnostic report demonstrates, we can examine the connection transaction details...

[feature] 15/12/2015 18:13:32 Attempting connection on 15/12/2015 18:13:35 Connection Failed: System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out. at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) 15/12/2015 18:13:35 Disconnected 15/12/2015 18:13:53 Attempting connection on 15/12/2015 18:13:53 Sending: 85 15/12/2015 18:13:59 Comm Err: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. 15/12/2015 18:13:59 BytesToExpect: 1 15/12/2015 18:13:59 U Received: 15/12/2015 18:13:59 Disconnected 15/12/2015 18:13:59 Connection Failed: System.Exception: Controller Not Responding [/feature]

Okay, so what is happening here? Well, what this shows is that there is indeed a network connection to network, which is your home router. The router is accepting a TCP client connection on port 23 from the computer. At that time, ARC transmits the "Greeting" command, which is 0x55 (ascii: 85) character. Now ARC will wait for 5 seconds for a response. In this log above, the response is never received. This is because the device in which ARC is connected is not an EZ-B v4.

To ensure there is an understanding of how to connect to the EZ-B v4 over WiFi, and to report if any errors are displayed (such as Unable to connect to network). Please be reminded that the error I am referring to would be displayed in the WiFi Connection not the ARC Software.

United Kingdom

Hi DJ,

I have sent 3 diagnostic reports:

  1. HP Pavilion dv6 Laptop (my laptop) with internal Wi-fi connection adapter

  2. HP Pavilion dv6 Laptop (my laptop) with external USB d-link adapter.

When I connect to the EZ-B from my HP Pavilion laptop with either Wi-Fi adapters I can log on to it's IP address and run the commands in the diagnostic tab (making the noises and centering the servos), but i can't connect to it through the ARC software.

  1. Acer Aspire E 15 with internal Wi-fi connection adapter.

The third was from my brother's Acer Aspire laptop which connects to the EZ-B with no problems as does my fathers desktop PC.


Okay, I am going to modify the diagnostic report to return some additional information regarding the wireless network connectivity. I'll have an update for you tomorrow.

Judging the IP Address given to your laptop by DHCP, it does not appear that the WiFi is ever connected to the EZ-B.

The IP Address given to clients from the EZ-B v4 starts at and increments as new clients are connected. The IP Addresses of the network adapters in the diagnostic report shows .5 and .13, respectively. This leads me to believe one of two things...

  1. There are other computers connected to the EZ-B v4 during the diagnostic. There should be just one.

  2. The computer wifi is indeed not connected to the EZ-B v4.

In my previous post, i had asked questions regarding the WiFi connectivity process. I had asked if an error was returned. It would be useful if you could answer that question. I had also sent a video link regarding how to connect to a wifi network. Can you confirm that no errors are returned when the computer is connected to the WiFi network as per the process in the video?

For example, when you click on the EZ-B v4's wireless network, and select Connect - and while you watch it... does it say Connecting... and then say "Unable to connect?" or does it say "Connected"?


Hello, in addition to the questions in my previous post - can you also confirm that the webserver for the EZ-B v4 is indeed loading on your computer? You should be able to connect to the EZ-B, as you assume has been happening, and visit in the web browser.

If the laptop is indeed connected to the EZ-B v4 WiFi, you should be able to view the webserver configuration page.

Can you answer the above post and this? Thanks! We'll get your laptop running - it's a strange issue that has never been experienced before... but that doesn't mean it can't be resolved somehow:)

United Kingdom

When I click the wireless network for the EZ-B it does come up as connected and i can go on to the network configure page and make the EZ-B make noises by clicking on the buttons.


Turn on your robot ,What ever your network is go and disconnect it , then connect the one that says some thing like ez-bv4 then after that, go into ez robot press the connect that says zero and it should connect.


Why is V4 showing up on Wireshark as a DHCP server?

Other devices are (ie. I phones) are getting ip address with no gateways.

User-inserted image

I need to be able to turn this off.

I have my router set to fix IPs based on Mac addresses but this is also a problem connecting 2 V4s on same project.

This is a real disruption to network, especially when connecting phones and tablets.


It needs to be fixed if you want the V4s to be connected to local network or any network.

When these V4 units are on line and another device comes up and is looking for an IP address, the V4s are providing DHCP services to that device, assigning an IP to that device. This happen especially if you have multiple V4s on line or same robot.

This is no good and needs to be corrected, not just from the stand point of multiple V4s but all other devices.

When it does provides DHCP to the network the gateway is not assigned properly and the other devices cannot get out to the internet. Devices are designed to find the first DHCP and get the assignment.

I was having a hard time figuring out what the problem was until I used Wireshark to find all DHCP servers on the network and the results are in my first reply.

The InMoov robot I am creating uses 2 V4s and I was having difficult time keeping same IP even though I was setting the Mac addresses on the router to the V4s so they would always have the same IP.

We cannot get fixed IPs on V4s I think this is the only way.

There needs to a solution so that I can keep the V4s running constantly with screwing up the network.



The new com board that is coming out soon uses a totally different WiFi chip and should not have this problem. (price and release date not announced yet, but DJ did say we would be able to upgrade existing EZ-B's and not need to buy new ones to get the new board). If the price of that is too high, possibly changing your router to one that responds faster to DHCP requests could be an option. The EZ-B only responds if it doesn't see another response on the network before it's timeout. EZ-Robot never saw the issue using D-Link routers which is why it was so hard for me to convince them of the issue. I do see it on TP-Link routers, which I otherwise love.

3rd option is the programmer that DJ discussed in that thread. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I believe you can use it to turn the feature off, or even give the EZ-B's static IP addresses on the network.

If I have time to get it figured out, I might set up a service for USA customers (don't want to deal with international shipping) to reprogram their EZ-Bs, but I'll say now that my time is very short so I don't know when I'll get around to it.

Until I got my new router (I upgraded to higher speed FiOS and Verizon replaced my router with one that responds very fast) I made sure to assign my EZ-B's the lowest available octets on the network and always started them in the same order. That solved the issue with the EZ-Bs not getign the expected addresses but did not help with other devices on the network starting after the EZ-Bs. Not satisfied with that, I got a cheap travel router (again a TP-Link that had the same slow response issue, but this was before I realized it was timing related) and plugged it into one of the LAN ports on my other router, so I was able to give the EZ-B's their own network on a different subnet. The routers handled passing traffic from PCs on the home network to the EZ-Bs on the robot network.



What has to happen is the when attached to network the DHCP server on the V4 must be turned off. No reason for it to on unless in AP mode.

I have 4 of these units plus 3 V3 and not going to replace these units.

I have done the static already using Mac address on router and no good.


So, only way to do that with the current chip is to get the PIK programmer described in the other thread and here: http://synthiam.com/Products/ARC and make a firmware that turns off DHCP. It can't be done from ARC or through a remote firmware updater.

The PIK programmer was really cheap (I think it cost me $16 shipped). I just haven't had time to work with it yet.

I may try and find some time this week. It is pretty much just you and me that are experiencing this issue, and I solved it when Verizon replaced my router, but it would still be an issue if I take my robots somewhere and use my travel router.



Ok. Let me know what happens when you reprogram.



BTW - I cannot believe other not having same issue. They probably just keep rebooting V4 and reset IP.

My equipment here is not that old and I may want to place this on a work network and cannot afford to have blow up DHCP on that network.

Thanks again.


Jack - it's a silly implementation of the dhcp on that module. It really isn't something that we're proud of, but it was the only capable module at the time available when the ez-b v4 was designed. The upcoming ez.b v4.x/2 will be available as an upgrade, which is an entire new communication board replacement. It is faster, has an up-gradable firmware and was custom created by ez-robot entirely rather than depending on a third party product.

In the meantime, if you wish to remove the dhcp completely from that module, the latest firmware is available in the Software section of this website - labelled OpenIoT. As alan mentioned, it requires a piece of hardware, which is less than $20. The links and all necessary information is provided to you with a step by step instruction.

Simply click on Software and the Open IoT link to get started.


Everything works great with my set up... and I use a cheap $40 Dlink router to boot... No rebooting needed... I assign all my ezbs static IPs and Bob's your uncle... Works great...:)


Yeah - it's just some routers. The module does adhere to the dhcp rfc, but many network hardware does not - so some people like Jack run into this problem. Thankfully they released a new firmware that is available for download in the Software section of this website under the Open IoT link.


It seems no one with a dlink router has the issue. It all has to do with how fast the router responds to a dhcp request. If the ezb doesn't see a response fast enough, it responds itself. Would not be bad unless you want static ips, but it also doesn't supply the dns, so other essentially lose their internet access (they would still work for ip routing, but no name resolution).

DJ, are you saying the new firmware on the IoT page already fixes the issue so I just need to load it and don't need to modify it? I'll test that tonight. I may try to play around with some modifications too.



OK, I got the PIK programmer working.

Note to anyone else, the header supplied with mine did not fit tightly in the holes in the EZ-B. I had to hold onto it and push it to the side to make sure it had a solid connection to the EZ-B throughout the programming time. A little scary, since I imagine it would be easy to brick if it failed part way through).

I changed the SSID, and also figured out that it changes the MAC address and figured out how to change it back.

I haven't figured out how to turn off DHCP (either in client or AP mode) yet, and I haven't tested to see if the new firmware already fixes the issue in client mode. I need to reconfigure some things on my network to test that and my wife is using the Internet tonight, so I can't do that testing until tomorrow at the earliest.

I do see from the Blue-giga documentation that I can add a switch to the web config page to turn DHCP on and off, so if it isn't fixed and I can't figure out how to force it off just in client mode, I can add the switch to the web page, just need to figure out how the current page it written (and I am hardly an HTML wizard unfortunately) to add a check box to turn it on and off.

I think it is probably possible to do static IPs on your network with the SSID and password pre-configured, but I haven't quite figured that out either.



Would help if I read the changelog.



  • Totally disable DHCP when in station mode.

So, looks like just loading the new code does the trick.

@jackphilips1953, it was pretty easy to do, and the programmer is cheap, but if you want some help, send me an email so we can discuss details offline (my email is in my profile). I am thinking you could mail me your EZ-Bs (either one at a time or all at once) and I could program them for you and mail them back. Alternatively, I can loan you my PIK once I am done with it if you are up to doing it yourself.

@DJ, Recommendation for the instructions.txt would be to also change the MAC address, not just the SSID. Otherwise users with multiple EZ-Bs could have a new problem. It was fairly obvious to me where and how to change it, but it might not be to everyone.



Thanks for the help. I will look into reprogramming as per you details above.

This is something should have had been addressed when introduced.

Especially when you have 2 or more V4s on the same wireless network that is not used for a router to the internet.

My modem and router in basement and I have to have a Access point with DHCP turned OFF for me to able to use throughout the house located above ground.

Of coarse when the V4s come up and 2 are on the same wireless they will go to the first DHCP they find which is probably the one on the wireless.

Also hopefully this will be addressed in the update for the V4 and included in the V5s.


@jackphillips1953 1 or 2 people who suffer from this is hardly a need for a redesign.... but @DJ being the consummate, accommodating guy that he is decided to do something about it anyway.... If it were me with your problem I would not waste any energy complaining about it but instead do something about it myself... That's just me though... To me it is such a minor issue in that it is easily solved by a cheap router update (dlink) (instead of fumbling with reprogramming and risking "bricking" your wifi chip)... just my opinion, however...


It wasn't addressed on release because EZ-Robots didn't know it was happening. It doesn't happen with their Dlink routers because their DHCP servers respond faster than the EZ-B.. If you look at the other thread, I had a knock-down/drag-out with DJ to get him to see that it was actually happening, and then it took months for Blue-Giga (the chip vendor) to get back to him with the root cause. (similar to what you did, I used wireshark to figure out what was going on).

This is kind of typical for first release consumer electronics. You don't know what you don't know, but you learn and make it better. The new comm board currently being developed uses a different chip and doesn't have this issue.




Thank techguru for response. I can understand that have manufactured and sold products in the past. You really do not know sometimes until you get in the field some problems.

Hey Richard .. is probably a bigger problem than you think and I am not knocking down anyone. I was not wasting y energy and I found out I was not alone and what I discovered was true. If these problem are not brought up then how can they be fixed?

It has absolutely nothing to do with Linksys or Dlink routers so stop that. I also swapped 3 different Access points with the same results.

I have over 20 other devices on this network with absolutely no issues connecting.

No ones whining just trying to determine how to handle a complex issue.

BTW- If EZ wants this to go big time with industrial applications possibly, instead working with just toys, a problem like this need to be addressed properly. Since this is the way they want to handle issues on a community board and it bothers you, talk to them.

I would have had preferred to keep this private anyway.

Good luck with your project.