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Laikago $25,000 Robot Dog From China

You can apparently buy a Laikago for $25K USD (although I could not find pricing on their website just an intention to buy It looks somewhat similar to Boston Dynamics Spot I think it would make a good platform to add Robot Arms, LIDAR, Cameras etc, just plugin your EZ-B :-). If you visit their website they have a developers edition (Looks like it is same as production but no battery - connect to mains I guess) and they also sell individual servo's and controllers (out of stock). The battery is a 100A LiPo by the look of it and can charge between 5A to 10A. Shipping this will be fun.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

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Cassie from Agility Robotics was supposed to be for sale now as well but have not heard about pricing from them.


@ZebraStripes For that money it better do dishes and clean my house...


What would someone buy it for?


Black Friday shopping at Walmart.

Seriously I guess anywhere you want to carry something across rough terrain or in difficult areas to move. Autonomous Pizza / food delivery (think self driving car on steroids) in a downtown city climbing stairs etc but you would need a stack of batteries and keep swapping them out. probably really need to be a hybrid wheels and robot legs as moving actuators consumes a lot of energy and in wheel mode probably use less than a quarter of the power.

I am sure if someone gave me one for Christmas I would work out what to do with it.


@Nink... I'll stick with my $35 MEC Co-op back pack for now...:P And I'll just get my girlfriend to carry the heavy stuff over rough terrain and difficult areas...:D


If someone saw an unattended robot carrying pizza or package, they'd steal the robot. If it had "gps for tracking", they'd cover it with a metallic bag as a Faraday cage. Sell it for parts:)


I guess that is a possibility. People steal cars, bikes etc all the time and they could cover faces so bots video doesn't capture who did it. Perhaps add a self destruct mechanism of skunk oil and bear spray so at least they get a surprise when it goes off, although I am not sure the pizza would taste very good after that.


I'd like more info on when they are available, id be interested to know how autonomous it is. I see in the video they are always carrying like a tablet computer to connect Wi-Fi, id like to see that interface or at least a list of what the software can do. They only allow you to fill out the intent to buy. Lots of questions before i plop down $25k (if that is the price).


Agree think they are not autonomous at all, you would need to add own ML/AI


Strap an ezb on it with the new Lidar. That'll make it a real robot.


Exactly DJ. Already know what head and tail I would design for it...not a dog....