Asked — Edited

It Arrived It Arrived

Hello, Everyone!

My name is Keith and I joined the Community about a week ago, pulled the trigger on ordering JD, and then spent a few days going through some of the lessons (which, as a newbie, I really appreciated!).

I haven't decided if I will unbox him tonight or wait until tomorrow morning. I know, how can I wait, right? ... don't ask ... I have been like this since I was a kid, much to my brothers' annoyance.

At any rate, I just wanted to introduce myself, say "hello!", and post a pic of JD on my bench. I have decided that the second best thing about JD arriving was the motivation to finally clean off my bench!:D

Nice to meet everyone!


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Wait?! Why wait!:) you've taken the first step and now you're hooked. No turning back.

Although, on the flip side... Boy it's a shame to unwrap that beautiful shrink wrapped robot box.

Do you know that I've never ever seen a shrink wrapped ezrobot box before in person? Isn't that strange...


Heh ... that is a little strange ... the shrink wrap is pretty nice. :-)

I am the guy that normally reads ALL of the instructions prior to doing anything at all ... though ... now that I think about it, I have watched all of the JD lessons, so I suppose that qualifies. AND I do need to fully charge the battery before I do any of the other steps ...


... Wow @DJ Sures ... you make a very persuasive argument!