Asked — Edited

Is This Iotiny Used?

Question for those of you that have bought an IOTiny recently. I ordered mine and it arrived very quickly to the US. Shipping cost was high but delivery time was great

Thing is that it came in just an zip lock baggie in an envelope. No packaging, no electrostatic bag, no documentation nothing. The zip lock baggie had holes in it as well as debris. It has obviously been reused. The sensitive pins were sticking through it where they were pushed through due to no packaging.

When I bought my EXR/4's they came in great packaging and well protected with electrostatic packaging. This one looks like they just grabbed a board off a shelf, dumped it in a sandwich bag and put it into a thin paper envelope.

I haven't tried it yet as I wanted to see how others received theirs in case I have to send it back.


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This is how I got mine... EZ Robot doesn't have nice packaging for it like the ezb4... Presumably to reduce costs which suits me fine...


Great, thanks Richard. An electrostatic bag would have been nice at least. This is the first electronic board I have ever received without one.

I'll give it a try, It should be fine.



Mine was wrapped in a sheet of bubble wrap in a box from one of the LiPo chargers. Works fine. (although I was in the first order, so I thought by now they would be in branded packaging, but at the great price point, I don't need a pretty box.


I was a first order and mine came in bags like that. You are good.


All's good in whooville. I fired it up and it works fine as suspected. Honestly they could invest in at least an electrostatic bag. Don't worry about driving the price up too much. I also received this cheap $1.99 connector that came double packed with the company packaging, UPC codes, address, etc. So if they can do it for a $2 connector they should be able to do it for sensitive electronics.

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