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Iphone Sensor Stream/Mpu9150.Anything Else As Good As The Phone Data?

I really like the stability of the heading data from the sensor stream which is perfect for my application. Are there any compass boards that do as well as the iphone for stability? I tried the little MPU9150 and the numbers are all over the place.

Thanks, Dave


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Why can't you "process" the incoming data from the MPU9150 via a script to smooth and filter out the "noise"? I would assume the data from the iPhone's sensors is already pre-processed that's why it appears more stable....

One thread is/was good enough... no need to cross post we heard you.....


Dave, what numbers are all over the place? How can I help you get up and running?


The compass headings from the MPU just seem to be very erratic compared to the sensorstream. I am going to be using the EZB-v4 in an essentially fully autonomus bot reacting to two moving objects in an outdoor environment. As one object or the other approach the bot I need it move to a fairly accurate heading.

As an aside will a longer range ultrasonic rangefinder such as the maxbotic line work pretty much plug and play?

Also has anyone done any interfacing with a Lidar unit such as the hokuyo 30UTM-lX? I can import the data into ARC from Roborealm which has a dedicated module for the scanner but would a direct feed into ARC be a better method

Sorry for the double post Richard R...very nice way to introduce yourself to a total neophyte to robotics.

Thanks for the help, Dave


@Drdaveyo What you can do is take a handful of readings from the MPU9150 and avg them .... e.g... maybe take five readings per second and then divide by 5.... this should give you a fairly accurate direction reading every second or so...


I have attached a couple videos of the output when the board is is the sensor stream sending about 60 packets /sec. The other is the MPU....

a 1 sec update won't be nearly fast enough. If I know I have to use the sensorstream that is fine....I just figured the board ( or SOME board) would have comparable performance...maybe it is not working properly.

  Sensor stream   



You can poll much faster...1sec was just my example.... BTW I am willing to bet the sensor stream from your iPhone has already been processed.... I doubt it is raw data from the on board sensor(s).... Just saying....