
I Am Trying To Use EZ-BV2 In M

I am trying to use EZ-BV2 in my INMOOV robot, I came across Nigel Inmoov robot using you controller, How can I download his graphic to my frame? Thanks  Ron


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Perry - wow thanks for sharing that blog post. What an incredible read! There's so much detail. Every now and then I putter with our InMoov that Richard gave us, but no where to that extent. That blog is good motivation to get me doing something with the InMoov. I think the only part that discourages me with the robot is the speed of the servos - which is expected given it's size and weight and gearing. But maybe it's time I get over that and do something cool with it


Thanks, Perry_S , I will try using  yours. I am 87 years old and this is all coming to me slowly, if I had my great grandson with he would have had it done already. Ron

United Kingdom

Hi Ron, Glad you like the blog.  I can email a copy of my ezb files if you want with all the autopositions and graphics etc. Let me know. Send me an email with your email to       And happy New Year DJ and Perry! Kyle


@Ronbklyn: You're the coolest grandfather! To be building robots at 87, i hope i'm as sharp as you when i reach that age.


You have to keep using it or you lose it. Ron