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I Just Have 5 Questions Regarding Your Product

  1. What type of archieture are you using for this controller board ( x86, ARM, etc)?

  2. How much onboard RAM (total) is available verses dedicated RAM (how much RAM does a user get after the overhead)?

  3. I uses the arduino and BS2, which both can't multi-task, so does your controller really multi-task?

  4. If the RAM is SD-card type, what your max limit of Mb or Gb?

  5. The speed as per your documentation is 40 Mhz, but can I overdrive the clock provided I build a decent cooling system?

    Thank you in advance....:)


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Those questions are not applicable to EZ-Robot. The EZ-B is a "dumb" controller for the ARC or EZ-SDK:)

Essentially, the EZ-B turns your computer/laptop/pc/mini-itx/fit-pc/raspberry pi into a robot controller. Find out more here:

And feel free to browse this website for more information:)


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  1. EZ B used my computer for it's brain. I have 4gb ram and 1GB dedicated to video. 4GB seems to be more than enough for most projects. I use a 2.2 GHz amd dual core 25 watt CPU.

  2. Since Ezb exploits the power of your hosting computer you can multitask. You may run several instances your PC to control 5 ezb in a robot and even multiple robots! You may either wirelessly control your robot from your controller by Bluetooth or some members have taken advantage of large amounts of space on their robots and have a mini Itx simple computer onboard =)

  3. Use ARC or if you can program in c# use ask

  4. Ram is the ram on the computer , long term memory is a hard drive on the mother computer

  5. There is no need to ever overclock the speed of micro controller, the EZb is a daughter board to your computer and provide data to and from your computer very efficiently. Rate of refresh ( 40mhz) is fixed. If you want to overclock something then overclock your computer..... I did for another 10 percent speed out of my and 2 GHz CPU.

Take a look at the existing projects and see what they are running. Many simple robots here are using a acer NetBook like Neik from the Netherlands . I myself have the Jarvis project (omnibot 2000 and rad 2.0 vacuum robot) and I have a mini it's asus motherboard with enough.power to run my main robot and also Jarvis jr the vacuuming omnibot. Sam has minion and Frankenstein robot and she has used both wireless Bluetooth from a PC and frankenbot has a mini it's PC inside! She is an excellent example.

Welcome to EZ Robot , read through other projects , it's a great place to get ideas. _ Josh