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I Have Some Extra Arms Taking Up Space.

I figured I would just let it be known that I have some extra robot arms laying around taking up space in my work area here at home. I have a pair of Omnibot 2000 arms, both in great shape, I have had them apart and cleaned them and well they don't have the Omnibot 2000 stickers on them and the grippers are missing the black rubber pieces that were originally on them. The motorized arm still works perfectly and the other arm that is adjustable is perfect also. I also have a pair of Robie Sr arms, the arm that can carry a pop can or a drinking glass is complete, but the other arm that had the gripper hand is missing the gripper hand, but still a very good pair of arms. I figured I would let it be known that I do have these extra arms :-} I will be adding pictures in a few minutes from my tablet.

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Upgrade to ARC Pro

Unleash your robot's full potential with the cutting-edge features and intuitive programming offered by Synthiam ARC Pro.


What do you want for the omnibot 2k arms? I could sure use them. But, I am pretty poor. But, please let me know.


If you JUST want them out of your way I will be more than happy to use them on My Sunshine robot which has been waiting for arms for about six months now. But, if you are selling them at the going rate, I would love to buy them,but I cannot afford them.

But, I wanted to throw it up in the air.



@MovieMaker Well I for one am not out to take your arms and legs, I know things are still rough with our economy and all and well I really don't like having things just lay around and draw dust. Give me an email address so we can talk about about things.


Interested in a pair of omni 2k arms also


@Xuven Well give me your email address and I will discuss things with you also. I figured if I was to let people know I had spare arms, the Omnibot 2000 arms would be a hot item.


Hello Everyone :-} Well I am just going to throw some rough numbers out here for the price of the robot arms. The Omnibot 2000 right and the left arms $45.00 plus shipping, that depends on where you live. The Robie Sr right and left arms $25.00 plus shipping, that also depends on where you live. I figure that is a fair price to ask as per set, just trying to get a little extra cash and also help someone out on a project.


@stonewolf, yhmmc @ yahoo dot com .

I live in the Great State of Tennessee.


@Xuven Well if you want the Omnibot 2000 arms let me know :-} $45.00 plus postage for the pair, that's the left and right arms both in good condition, not broken or abused. If you still want them, I will sell them to you :-} Let me know :-}


That is a good price, Stonewolf. you can probably get way more than that on ebay.


Well I put the Omnibot 2000 arms on Ebay and they sold within 10 or 20 minutes. @MovieMaker Thank you for the suggestion :-}