robo rad
This question I could not find,video related...I have seen video before DJ capturing the real time video feed from Ez cam and ARC screen all at same time. Is that the button I sometimes see in camera skill? Or do I need to download a different screen capture skill?
This question I could not find,video related...I have seen video before DJ capturing the real time video feed from Ez cam and ARC screen all at same time. Is that the button I sometimes see in camera skill? Or do I need to download a different screen capture skill?
Use the screen recorder robot skill: https://synthiam.com/Support/Skills/General/Screen-Recorder?id=16143
You can view robot skills and search on the robot skill store: https://synthiam.com/Products/Controls
There are so many video skills now! I just can't understand anyone paying 500 or a thousand for other robot software that pales in comparison to Synthiam Arc!