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Hi, New To Ez-Robot With Some Software Questions

Hi my name is Neil. I am home-educating my son and he is very interested in robots. I have very little electronics experience (I am a software engineer, not a hardware one, yet...).

I realize it probably goes against the current approach, but is there any way to get a lower level API to the equipment than the .NET assembly and SDK? The reason is quite simple, my company produces a cross-platform programming language and I would like to investigate adding a set of components to our language (similar probably to what is in the .NET stuff).

We do not work with .NET (not surprising for a cross-platform language), so the options are limited to the HTTP interface (which I haven't ruled out), or something that I can talk to using a non-managed code DLL (in other words a traditional DLL without all the COM/.NET stuff in it), even if I may have to write it - since I would want it to work as .so on Linux.

I don't mind doing the work, and am happy to promote the results to others who may be interested (especially in the Linux community). I am specifically not looking for extensive hand-holding here, just some source of information I can peruse if it is even available.

Any information will be gratefully received.

Ciao, Neil


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United Kingdom

Firstly, welcome.

The SDK works in C# too, I have no experience with .net and little with C# myself but it may be worth looking at it, I'm sure you'll know pretty quickly if it's suitable or not.

There is (or was) the EZ-Open Bot which may be of use to you.

There have been some forum posts regarding Python too, which may be of some use, do a forum search and it should show up.

Although, you can also Telnet in to ARC and run script commands too, however does need ARC running and connected to the EZ-B which may not be suitable for your requirements (it may be though).

Hope that's of some use to you.


There is EZ-OpenBot for Linux, Raspberry Pi: http://code.google.com/p/ez-openbot/

Additionally, the EZ-SDK is COM enabled - and can be used with C++ in both MFC and CLR. In visual studio, add a CLR Visual C++ project and you can use the EZ-SDK:)