
Hi, I Have The Remains Of A R

Hi, I have the remains of a Robosapien v2 robot just wanted to know if it is possible to activate again with the controller and battery

here are 2 pictures: sorry for all the pics, don't know how to delete some

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hi EZang

you cant use that board with the ezbv4. you can use the original servo's from ez robot (HDD) and build them in the robosapien v2. you can try to use the eyes and mouth of the robosapien with the pwm ,the white wire (signal ) see that it lids up. do you have the rest of the body? do you have an ezbv4?


The robosapien is quite limiting in hardware. There actually isn’t a camera, but a single pixel color sensor of sort. It’s merely a toy, and even quite limiting at that!

I have one as well and tried diving in due to the marketing about it being a robot. Nah...  it really is just a Walmart toy.

If anything, you could do what nomad suggested and add servos to the parts. Replace the guts with real robot parts. Even add an ezrobot camera to the head and give it real capabilities.

A Hack like that would gain a bit of excitement I think - because so many people like us were deceived by it as being a robot back in the day.


Thanks for the response,

I only have the head and the board it is hooked to left.

Just wanted to see it light up again, lol



wel give him eyes&mouth and left&right up&down movement good for practise.


Yeah I have a bunch of these different versions tall and short and even had the Chimp alive. The motor controller on these are all garbage not meant to last longer than a few years then all the wire insulation disintegrates on many of them and when you try to hook up batteries you just get alot of "Magic smoke" If you are lucky enough to have had the RS Media bot,they had the better wiring and should still be working. It had the Linux computer and it was quite amazing what it could do,had a real camera and you could do many things that EZ B can do now. This was however the most expensive bot they had and still fetches $500.00---$2000.00 depending if still "New in box" I have a Media bot too but the computer board failed I am still going to hack it with EZ controller and using single regular motor controllers to get the arms and legs working again,not hard to do at all but not recommended for the V2 bots as they mostly had the cheap wires. The chimp alive had really strong neck motors that I will be using to control the head movements of my Life size Cylon robot.


Nice video,  made me remember before I scraped my v2

Wires were garbage

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I agree with DJ, that v2 was limited